My wife is already hounding me about our Christmas tree for this year. I promised her last year that next Christmas we would go out and cut our own tree down. Well the time has come, ALMOST. Anyhow, question is, can we go out and cut any tree that we want/see? She loves the scenery up towards Mirror lake, so if we went up there can we walk through the forest and cut one down that we see or is that illegal? If so, where CAN we go? We just want a little one nothing like National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Any help info would be greatly appreciated.
Davis County [ul] [li]Neville Farm - Cut your own Christmas trees
1875 West 1000 South, West Layton, UT. Phone: 801-544-9401 or 801-390-4823. irections: Take Kaysville Exit 328. Turn west onto 200 North. Go1.6 mi;les. Turn right onto Angel Street. Go 0.7 miles. Turn left onto Weaver Lane. Go 0.5 miles. Turn right onto Westside Drive. Go 0.3 miles. Westside Drive becomes 1000 south. Farm is on your left. Open: Call for dates and times - usually starts late November.
Christmas tree varieties:
U-Choose & Cut your own: Scotch Pine up to 8.5 feet: Limited number of Colorado Blue Spruce up to 7 feet. [/li][/ul]
You will need a tag from the Forest service. I think they are $10, but they go fast. If you just go cut one with out a tag it is illegal.
There are only certain areas that you can cut trees. And you do need a permit. You cannot just go anywhere.
Take the family on a drive up to Bear Lake. Head to the Montpelier Ranger District office and buy a tree tag for $5. They will provide a map of where you can cut a tree. Its a great time for me and my family each year. We go up in October and GPS a few "select" trees. When the time comes to cut the tree we go "revisit" the GPS'ed trees and make our selection. It cuts down on the bickering between the kids of "who found the tree", etc.
The Logan Ranger District does not sell tree tags. I think its ridiculous since there are literally millions of trees on the forest and it provides a great activity for families. Anyway, have a good time. That's what its all about anyway!
You need a tree permit, get it from the Heber ranger district. i bought mine for 10 bucks at soldier hollow back on the 3rd of november. not sure where to get it now if they have any left, good news is they bumped the number available this year to 2000 over 1500 last year, they still had passes when we were there left from the day before, usually they sell them first come first serve. we went up to Mill Hollow last sunday (11-18-07) and cut ours there was no snow up there except for a few inches in the trees...i am sure that will change this weekend. i have put in a few pics of our trip. my tree is in the living room with lights on waiting to be decroated the day after turkeys. its her families tradition to do that. i think the wild trees are better looking than any tree i have gotten from a lot EVER.
when you put the tree in the house there is a trick to keep it all fresh, when you put it in the stand add ONE can of sprite and TWO plain white asprin to the bowl, you only need to do this once right after you cut the tree to height for your house. it will keep it fresh and fed all season and that tree will last till march.
I know that up in Manilla you can buy a permit at the general store too and go cut one up around the gorge. not sure how much those are never done that.
when we get our permit it comes with a little pamphlet with a map of the "cut zone" in the unitas, pretty much from strawberry to over above kamas and all in between. this is the 9th year we have done this, if you want next year i will let you know when the tags are going on sale and where to go.
i would start by calling soldier hollow to see if they are still issuing tags, or have them direct you to where you can find out if there are anymore.