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...this past Friday I was out on a local lake with my son in law and my grandson. As we were fishing we noticed a lot of white "stuff" floating at the edge of the water. When we looked closer we saw that this shite "stuff" was in fact small white snails. They ranged in size from a "bb" to the size of a pea. What caught our attention was the number of them. There had to be thousands floating in the water all up and down the shore line.

I double checked the lakes web site and there is no mention or warning about any type of aquatic snail infestation.

So my question is does anyone or has anyone seen the same type of snail invasion? Also, with all the problems with snail etc causing problems in other fresh water areas should I be concerned with making sure my shoes etc are cleaned when I see this?

MacFly [cool]
[shocked][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Hey there MacFly55 - I have no idea what those dudes might be but I would be inclined to contact the people that might be in the know:[/size][/green][/font]
[url ""][/url]

[font "Pristina"][green][size 4]I'm sure that our resident expert would have the answer.[/size][/green][/font]
... so far have not found anything on those snails.. it did mention that nasty little mud snail.. but the ones I saw did not look like those snails..

..MacFly [cool]
It could always be a new strain of some other type of nasty snail. Just spray your shoes and stuff with a mild concentrate of Sodium Hypochlorate.[cool]
..okay...what is sodium hydrochlorinate???

I wish I had taken pictures.. the shorline water was loaded.. first thing I thought of was that seaweed looking salt fly you showed me except these guys were all among long brown grass... plus you would think with as prevalent as they were you would think that the lakes site would have something posted like Lake Wohlford does about their mussle problem...

MacFly [cool]
SODIUM HYPOCHLORATE!! That is the medical term for Chlorox Bleach! That is a 5% solution. Pool Chlorine is 10% which is too strong.

10 to 1 mix is fine. 10 parts water to 1 part Chlorox Bleach.[cool]
[signature] it...but wont that make my brown shoes white??? can you see me on the beach with white shoes.. hehehe the Pat Boone of float tubing... [sly][sly]

MacFly [cool]
Only Pat Boone, Mr. Roark and Tattoo wore white shoes.

Small amounts of Chlorine and then rinsing is actually healthy for your equipment.[cool]
.Ill give it a shot this weekend.. if you see me in white shoes the next time we meet in Corona you will know what happen.. [sly]

Macfly [cool]
[font "Palace Script MT"][yellow][size 4][cool][font "Kristen ITC"][#ffff00]And if they are yellow????????????[/#ffff00][/font][/size][/yellow][/font]
..yellow would accident having an accident...... white would be too much bleach especially against grey walking boots (felt like material.. not leather) [sly]

MacFly [cool]
There are lots of native snails. It may be native snails that have been killed due to some pollutant.

Wash well and rinse well any equipment that was in the water with whatever would be an excellent step in the right direction. A solution of bleach may or may not kill what ever it is. It should not hurt that is for sure.

Simms says that a 5% solution of bleach is okay on their wading equipment.

... the only equipment other than the fishing line that was in the water was the shoes I was wearing.. I have already given them a good cleaning..

... I think this post reiterates what experienced anglers preach and that is to make sure and clean your gear well.. in the proper solutinon to prevent cross contamination between bodies of water..

.. I suspect.. that what I saw was the result of the end of a cycle for those little wee beasties.. I am not sure it was a pollutant but that makes sense as well.. the part that caused my concern was the lack of information on the lakes web site.. and that is what leads me to beleive it was a cycle that was expected and not something to be concerned about.. but.. again..

.. it is always best to be safe than sorry.. and that is why I cleaned everything after I got home and posted this thread..

MacFly [cool]