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On the east end has clear hard ice. There's 1 inch out there but it's sturdy ice, I could walk out but had to keep moving... after 10 seconds the spider cracks would appear. I say by early next week it'll be ready to be fished on, with no temps. over 32 forcasted for the next 2 weeks and average nightly lows in the single digits and teens and day time highs in the mid to upper 20's. I'm guessing by monday we'll have 2 to 3 inches... maybe even more. We gotta get those BIG pressure cracks out there... The little ones near shore today are producing ice as we speak. The only question is early ice pike, or the perch and walleye combo??? or the slabs and 'gils to many options.
I haven't checked the west-side of the lake yet, out toward the sands, but last Friday that froze over and the eastside didn't so I'm guessing that'l be just as good. Last Friday Lake Mitchell was just about completely froze over.
well all the snow melted today around south east mich. every where except my driveway... LOL

we are susposed to be in the mid 40's sunday 38 tomarow and saturday.. Rain for sunday as well...

lots of wind...

we had 40 mile an hour sustained winds tuesday...

one day of left of rifle season... wonder if it will be worth going out, susposed to have more wind tomarow as well...

we wont hit temps staying below freezing untill monday... highs 32 lows in the 20's as far as next wensday... no forcast available after that
Ice is still forming on the ponds and lakes up my way [cool] .
snow, just a light dusting from last weekend , in town there isn't any [crazy] .
Tonight my buck was almost in sight range , he gave a grunt and I returned one , he was finally comin' in !
Next thing I hear is a snort and then he takes off in a rush , I thought he cought wind of me but it wasn't the case , a big black cat came thru my area , larger than a house cat but not puma size by any means .
Guess deer are superstitious also , hope this isn't a omen on black powder season , I'm still buckless .
I hear that on the buckless, not only in the pocket but in the freezer too at my house...

hopin I wont have to settle for a "RK" road kill....

aint nothin like rk-stew...[Tongue]
last night for hunting and and the wife decides i'm going shopping with her [crazy] .
On the way to Houghton lake a few deer make themselves known on the M-55 highway , it must be a deer thing to make cars slam on the breaks .
In an instant I roll the window down and yell out ,
"You , Me , Next fall , The woods, be there "!

The wife got a little giggle out of it .
Ok.. that one made me laugh.
I thought you had a black powder gun...?

I might barrow one from a buddy and go out for a day, I still have my bow, if the ice dosnt show up and the weather holds up I might go out a day there too....
I have 2 of them , roosterfish is borrowing one at the moment .
I'm going out for a last ditch effort [Wink] .
I'll be doing a little bow myself this week as soon as the snow quits falling .
80% covered with ice between 1" and 3" [cool] .
this morning when I left my lake was completly froze over, when I got home half the lake was opened back up again..
The pond here on the farm is froze over pretty good. It's not very large though. Havn't tried to walk out on it yet or test the ice. I think we are going to give it a rest over the winter as we took quite a few gills and bass out of it over the summertime.

I might wait another month or two and just go drill a couple holes and dump 3-4 dozen minnows and a box of crawlers into it and see if we can't fatten up a few fish for this spring.
It's a good time to make a couple fish structure boxes too [Wink].
we used to (back in the day ) get some orange crates and nail them together and load one of the crates with rocks or bricks . Then we would set them out on the ice and when the spring thaw would come they would drop to the bottom right where we put them .
You could always hit those spots in the summer and catch a few big guys hiding in those fish houses .

It's a great way to put in a sandy bottom in the pond for the kids to swim around , dump the sand on the ice , spread it around and let the sun do the rest of the work .
4" of ice on the west end now , snowmobiles all over the place , wooo hoooo !!!!!
Just because a snowmobile can go across it dosnt mean it is safe to walk on... they aint like the old turtle mobiles, these are a quarter of the weight, three times as fast...

most of after about 30 feet are hydroplaning. they race across my lake all the time, going over a 100 feet of open water...

untill we get a foot of ice, I would stay away from where they are racing back and forth, to many stress cracks from all the activity... a slow moving person hasnt a chance of getting away from a fualty ice structure...

but your right, there are a couple lakes around me with a couple inches already, wont be long now..
its always a good idea to string a milk jug to it so it comes up just about three feet from the top of the water for trollers, this way they dont catch your structure...

In the spring one can always attach a bouy to it to keep speed boats away from it as well...

theys out on the ice down here now and I cant go...

that ok, my spot aint ready yet and wont be for another week if weather holds...

I could put a cone on my pup to stop her from licking at her stitches and go fishing, but then she would have to hold her stuff in... and with a belly full of stiches I dont think so... I will wait... Gladly so...

she is showing signs of playfullness, and can bark again insted of wimper... she is showing me she wants to run and jump again... I cant allow here to do that just yet...
I have a pic up of Houghton Lake , covered from end to end .
When we got home we saw the news brodcast of the St. Clair Polar Bears Club , Lake St. Clair appeared to be nothing but open water and it was filmed the same day we were at Houghton lake .
They are only what , a hundred miles apart at the most ?
houghton and st clair is about the same distance as houghton and me...

Lake St Clair gets a lot of wind and lots of water from the st clair river, I dont imagin saginaw bay is ready yet...

well I guess they were glad they didnt pull out the chain saws to cut a hole 50x50 feet...
there is some ice on the bay so i'm told .
but just how much is the question [crazy].