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Full Version: Huntington 11-29
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Hit Huntington with Out4aFloat this morning just as the sun was coming up. Beautiful sunrise up there in the mountains. Started to get out of the car and a red fox ran across the lake and up over the dam.

Found a spot in about 27ft of water and started fishing. The Out4aFloat's finder almost never stopped marking fish all morning. Those fish were ready to eat too. Between 8 and 9:30 we couldn't find anything they wouldn't hit. We each had fish on both of our poles at the sametime and had three on the deck at the same time once. Might have had four if I could have kept up and had both poles going right then. Just couldn't rebait and get the jigs down fast enough.

Roughin' it Outdoors showed up to do a story on the ice fishing at Huntington. Adam Eakle came over and filmed us catching some tigers. The fishing really slowed down when the camera was on but picked right back up when he went back to his group. Don't know how the fish knew but they seemed too. BFT might make the show again next week.

Had to leave around noon but the fish were still bitting even if it had slowed down some. Fuzzyfisher was doing pretty good also. Nice to see you again and thanks for showing me how the Aqua view cameras work. Watching the fish gather around and then slam his bait was cool.
[cool][#0000ff]Good report and pics. Looks like those fishies approve of your new jigs. Nice work.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the report!! I am looking to get my fix of this ice fishing fever tomorrow, but still torn between Huntington or Scofield. Your report may have swayed me a little bit for those Huntington tigers. How thick was the ice?
I sure hope that he hasn't developed the following that Doug Miller had or watch out for the crowds on a rather small reservoir. Then again I have a hunch a couple feet of snow will discourage lots of folks. The fish seem smaller this year -- how long was the longest tiger that you caught today?
oh come on Kent. doug miller-ing a lake is nothing new to utah.. lol

good thing Huntington is a plant and take lake tho.. there is lot's of them in there this year. and as soon a Da-berry has ice there will not be many driving all the way to huntington for some 12" to 18" tigers.. scofield is close to capping up all the way as well..

i did catch a 19" tiger today and about 10 that were 16" to 18". so not as big as a year ago. but still some nice fish in there.. all together i cought alot of fish today! i went through 2 bags of minnows and ran out around 2:30. fishing was slowing down anyway.

white tube jig tipped with minnows did the trick all day.. well i could not find anything they would not hit. they just like the white better and thats all a had..

got some realey cool aqua-vu video of them tigers attacking my jigg's i just can't get my comp to play them yet..
[cool]Glad to hear that you guys had a safer and more successful trip this year and no waste deep snow to wade through. Sounds like you hit it at the right time. I look forward to ice fishing up that way soon. Congrats on a great day up there!
great report. hope to see a few up there on saturday for a little tiger action. hope everyone's tv goes out about the time the ol report on huntington comes on.
hey everyone out there going ice fishing this weekend.. be very carefull!! there is good ice now. but it is very warm here today and with this storm frount comeing in and putting snow on the lake will put ice makeing on hold for a day or 2.

watch out for old holes covered in snow as well i went through at huntington last year i think it was. right after the first big snow. the snow put's alot of wait on the ice and insulates the ice from the cold so it makes the ice softer tell the real cold hitt's again be very carefull.

the ice was not poping much yesterday at huntington. so that means it's getting soft..
How thick was the ice? I am heading up on Sunday was just wondering how thick it was. Thanks Chad
Sorry I didn't see this in time to help you today but I'll post it for anyone who is thinking of going this weekend.

The ice down at the dam end was about 6 inches. Saw people down farther north but you won't get me down there yet. Going through the ice last year down there taught me better. Like Fuzzy said snow pushes down the ice and weakens what was safe just days before.
Taking your time and checking as you go is the safest way this early in the year.
Have no idea how the following goes now that Mr. Miller is gone. We talked about some other lakes that couldn't handle so much pressure and I don't think you will see a show on them anytime soon.

Casual fishermen will move on quickly as Scofield is almost ready. The deep snow, slush and lack of parking help to move people to the larger easy access lakes.

Our largest fish was smaller then Fuzzys by a couple of inches. Largest I caught was just over 17 inches with a lot in the 15 to 16 inch range. Matt really wanted to catch a hook jaw one after all the pictures of hook jaw fish lately. He ended up cathing 3 and hopfully will post a pic or two.
Just looked at the NWS page and it looks like 30" of snow is possible out of this storm around Huntington, It's about time[Smile] we need it. I was thinking about going down but I think I'll bag it now and get the sleds ready to ride! Can you say slush monster!
Sorry for the late reply. But what a day of fishing! Last year was the first year I fished Huntington, and I loved it. Fished it up until Christmas, with several days of 30+ fish. This year is looking the same.

What made Thursday even better was the fact that I was catching all my fish on my jigs. (Even if I did steal the paint jobs from TD) TD's pale perch was by far my hot jig of the day. I painted it on a minnow head and a shad dart. The minnow head was in the lead all day. But the shad dart was keeping me plenty busy. But I think you could of thrown just about anything down there with meat on it and get a strike.

If your thinking of going, don't take your video camera.[unimpressed] I don't know what it was, but when Adam came over and introduced himself I couldn't get a hit. As soon as he walked away, FISH ON!

Here are some pics of the day to add to tlspyder's.