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Full Version: FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute scientist is Biologist of the Year
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The Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) recognizes Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) scientist Wesley Porak as Fisheries Biologist of the Year.

At this year's annual meeting, SEAFWA honored Porak, an FWC research scientist working at the FWRI Eustis Fisheries Research Laboratory, for his contributions to fisheries conservation.

"This award is particularly prestigious for a conservation agency scientist, because it amounts to recognition from his distinguished colleagues, and it reflects great credit on this whole agency," said Ken Haddad, FWC executive director.

With 25 years of experience, Porak commits himself to excellence in largemouth bass research, management and conservation. Along with colleagues, he helped develop techniques to determine largemouth bass growth rates, ages, longevity and survival in Florida water bodies.

In addition to the award presented to Porak, FWC also won a diversity award for minority recruitment, and Ken Haddad received an award for his service as past-president of SEAFWA.

SEAFWA is composed of state agencies responsible for management and protection of the fish and wildlife resources from 16 states, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands.

FWRI conducts applied research and provides scientific information used to protect, conserve and manage Florida's wildlife and its aquatic and marine resources. To learn more about FWRI's research programs, visit

Media Contact:

Carli Segelson, FWC 727-896-8626