Fishing Forum

Full Version: Coming to CA for a visit
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Hey guys, I normally hang out on the UT boards but I'm going to San Diego with my family in April. We'll be renting a condo on Mission Beach and I'm looking for somewhere to fish while we are there. Is there somewhere to rent gear so I dont have to try and fly with mine? also any help with regulations would be greatly appreciated.
I'll be taking my 5 year old daughter and would like to get her a fish from the ocean, she loves fishing for catfish and trout in UT and I'd like to see the look on her face when she gets something out there.
I cant really afford any of the charter trips that I have found on the internet and would really prefer fishing from the shore or a pier anyway.
Thanks for any help you guys can throw my way,

At first I thought the best way to go would be just to buy some inexpensive gear at Wallymart. The best option is to purchase some fine travel rods from Bass pro. For around a hundred bucks you can fish with some of the finest rods there are and keep them a lifetime. And they fit in your luggage.
It's not a bad idea to invest in a decent rig for your kid. Have you ever tried to fish with a Snoopy rod? If we can't, it's impossible for your kid. My five year old loved to fly fish. It was active and she caught the bejesus out of the smelts and perches ( thereby making bait for me) and her bait didn't stink. With that little 3 weight she could fish worms or flies or a dollar bill, pulling it quickly away from unsuspecting tourists. The setup was $59 dollars and she still fishes it.
Anyway there are piers , fishing docks, and miles of shorefishing in the bay. My best tip would be get up early, head over to Pacific beach. Rent a Beachcruiser and circle the bay. It takes about two hours ,more if you talk to people. You will know know everything about it. The locals are friendly and laid back. Its like a little piece of Santa Barbara but two hundred miles south. Bay fishing with ghost shrimp would be the best way to start but sometimes those little buggers are tough to find in the stores. Throwing four inch and smaller curly tail type plastics in white or chartreuse on a quarter ounce jighead will be a close second.Another locals type way is chumming up some smelt off the public docks, catching them on small bread balls, and keeping them in a bucket. Take them to where all the fishermen are shore fishing and chuck them out, nose hooked, Carolina style , with as little weight as you can and still lob the little critter into deeper water. Spotted bay bass, Yellowfin croaker, White Seabass, Spotfin Croaker,Halibut and maybe even the rare Pacific Coast Bonefish are all cruising the bay. If your daughter hooks one of those Bonefish, hold on to her. She might just ski right on out! Good luck and let the board know how you did. PS Take Pictures...we like pictures [Wink]
Thanks for the advice, I did buy her a real rod this year for christmas though she HAS caught a lot of fish on her barbie rod [Wink] she can cast that thing more accuratley than I can cast mine, she has spent hours and hours this summer practicing in the back yard. I am hoping we can just find a pier or something and catch a few, any kind of fish is good. She has a blast just catching 4" sunfish all day, but the bigger ones like her catfish this summer really put the grin on her face. I'm pretty sure anything out of the ocean will make her giggle. I think my wife and mother have pretty much planned out most of the time while we are down there, hopefully I can at least get a couple morning fishing trips in.
Well???????? Where are our pics???[Wink]
I'll post 'em as soon as i take 'em... But since I'm not coming until April, its gonna take a while [Tongue]
April is perfect...[Tongue]...Beer me[Wink]
Hey Bendopolo!

Howz about Saturday,12/29, Cherry Beach or = at 6:30am??

Low tide is at 7:16. It's Flatty time![cool]
Got 34, 32, 24 two 22 and four shorts this morning on the incoming tide. It's Hali-time Now!
...hey that plastic your holding looks very familiar.... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Nailed all those Halibut on the exact same Super Stretchy as those bass at Corona and all on six pound, although I wouldn't recommend it. I was lucky to land some of those brutes. Retie, Retie, and Retie again.[Wink] Bye the way, it was a Yellowfin Croaker trip....That's why the light gear.
okay .. remember I am the newbie here.. what kind of fish is that in the water on your last post?

MacFly [cool]
Does that mean Yes???? I can start a new thread on it.

Are you OK with a tube in the salt? We could hit Cabrillo if you would like. Give me your input and I'll get the thread going.[cool]
That there is a California Halibut or Sand Grouper. They just love the Super Stretchy!
...sorry I did not specify before.. I was referring to the picture on your one post that shows a fish swimming just below the surface of the water.. is that the sand grouper??

MacFly [cool]
"[size 1]sand grouper"[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Check the previous post for referrence to the sand grouper. The answer is there.[cool][/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Don't be turning blonde on us now![pirate][/size]
Sand Grouper....[angelic]
its not blonde.. its just more grey on what has not fallen out.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]
[right][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=31961;][/right] [right] [/right] [left][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Hey - Will human hair work in a fly? Its a shame to have them just go down the drain.[crazy][/size][/green][/font][/left]
....hmmmmm maybe I can use the the gathered hair as dubbing... [sly]

MacFly [cool]