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Full Version: Upland game birds
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There were about 12 or so Grouse in the yard Sunday when we returned home from Houghton Lake , 3 were males sparing for the females in the area .
They scamperd off when I tried to get pics of them , this guy did stay for a few pics . [Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=31641;]
There were turkey ,pheasant , and deer tracks thruout the yard also .
I'll be setting up the feeder to spread out some birdseed , cracked corn , and sunflower seeds to help them thru the winter .
Thats way to cool!
Havent seen a grouse in 20 years or better...

I miss the northernly trips... we used to have some bob whites and quale around my place, havent seen or heard from them in years, still hear the whippoorwills morning and evening...
Hey , one of them is a grade A roasting sized bird , I don't know how he gets up in the air .
you got some stove top stuffing handy? and is the season still open [Tongue]?