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Full Version: the handy man bill?
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I guess ya have to take the good with the bad...

a new bill requiring builders to be licensed is on the desk of the governer...

I fully understand the scope of the new bill, yes it will help lots of people who are getting ripped off, but at the same time the handy man will take a beatting...

%%^*&*(^& scammers [mad] They make it hard for honest hard working stiffs to make an honest living...
We have a good handy man now[Wink] , our only problem is that he lives down in my old neighborhood downstate , comes up every other week for a few days (we pay his gas too ). We are more than happy with his work .

The "contractor " we had that left our house in ruins , ran off with $4,500. of our money and still insists we owe another $12,000.00 for his work will have to find a new scam to run if this bill passes[cool] .
MSNBC did a story called "Homewreckers " , The contractors they did the story on were all like ours , wrecked the house , took off with the money and said they were the victom .
there was a number of news stories in detroit about this stuff, at least one a day per channel...

one of the news reporters spent some time in lansing lobying for the new bill. "no money had to be spent or mc deals served with shakes and frys"