12-18-2007, 12:40 AM
to watch them run away....
3 big does with about 5 little ones following.
Darn boss made me work today [mad] . I knew I was going to be late walking out to the blind (4:45) shouldn't have even went out. Got about 120 yards from my spot when I spooked them. They must have been practically sitting in my blind because that was right where they came from. Can't believe I didn't see them. How did I not see them there?? The military needs to take lessons from these stealth deer out here. (or maybe I need new glasses). [
Anyway poof off they go into the swamp. I turned around and walked right back out. No sense of even sitting down at that point. No way they were going to come out till I was gone. The wife looked at me kinda funny when I was back a half hour after I left the house. "Forget your bullets?" was her question to me when I walked through the door.
3 big does with about 5 little ones following.
Darn boss made me work today [mad] . I knew I was going to be late walking out to the blind (4:45) shouldn't have even went out. Got about 120 yards from my spot when I spooked them. They must have been practically sitting in my blind because that was right where they came from. Can't believe I didn't see them. How did I not see them there?? The military needs to take lessons from these stealth deer out here. (or maybe I need new glasses). [

Anyway poof off they go into the swamp. I turned around and walked right back out. No sense of even sitting down at that point. No way they were going to come out till I was gone. The wife looked at me kinda funny when I was back a half hour after I left the house. "Forget your bullets?" was her question to me when I walked through the door.