So I was talking with some buddies this weekend about our most memorable trips of the year. Porbably my most memorable was taking my son fishing for his birthday and watching him catch a huge small mouth and then hook up with a muskie.
My second most memorable trip has to be my trip to Bear Lake ice fishing with Lunkerhunter2 when Joyride lost his snowmobile. Sorry dude, but now that it has all passed and no one got hurt, that was crazy!! Can't imagine I'll see something to top that in a while.
So what was your best trip of the year?????
one day trip would have to be the 12-17-07 this month iceing tiger's on pali
es.. that was one of them day's that don't come around that offten..
best trip of the year had to be the 5 day's of blis at the gorge this spring. big mac's, rainbow, and even a burbot to boot.. [sly]
How did he lose his snowmobile?
Its hard to say just one because it is always fun to get out but my best trip was probly the trip when my 7 year old caught his first tiger musky and the whole time he was screaming his arm hurt and it was going to pull him in but he did it on his own i was a proud dad and then my wife caught a good sized large mouth as well as alot of others it was just one of those non stop action days [cool]
[size 3]This is a real good yr-end post.[/size]
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[size 3]#1 β The Uintas, Pioneer Day weekend, at an off-trail lake. Alone. My favorite rig, my ultralite, and one brookie after another, including a double. Every cast, every time the bubble hit the water. I considered killing myself afterwards, because it was never gonna get any better than that day.[/size]
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[size 3]#2 β Strawberry, November 17th. A 20 + fish Sunday afternoon. It only took reading 4,000 posts on this Board and about 200 gallons of gas for previous trips there to figure Strawberry out, but for a brief moment in time I coulda hung on the front porch with MGB, Kent and the rest of the Strawberry super-posse.[/size]
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[size 3]#3 β The Gorge. All 3 times. Just because itβs the Gorge.[/size]
My most memorable trip this year was at a tiny little pond at the Camperworld by Echo. I got to watch my 2 year old cast, hook-up, and reel in his first fish. I'll never forget the look on his face. You'd think we just caught a 4 foot fish the way we were yelling. Too much fun!
My most memorable trip this year was to Utah lake on the free fishing day. Several years ago I met a fellow at a care center where my mother was staying who has Parkinsons disease of the type that plagues Muhammed Ali. Anyway, this fellow sort of looked after my mom and my whole family got to like him quite well. I took him fishing on Utah lake on free fishing day to see if he'd enjoy it. Well, he really did & I'm sure I had more fun watching him have fun than he was having himself. Does that last sentence make sense?
We've been fishing several times since and had a blast but I'll take memories of that first trip with me to my grave.
While it a tad on the red neck side,, and might confuse some,, but it makes perfect sense to me.. [
PS: I dont like to fish, I'd rather gripe.
Schofield, mid July.
Guys only trip: my brother, father, gradfather, and myself.
No braggable fish or anything like that but Grandpa is in his mid 80's so every fishing trip with him is a blessing. This one was extra special.
Grandpa had brought up some t
ies he picked up at the Hostess discount store and passed them around. We didn't notice that the sell by date was 5 A.D. so they were a little stale. None of us could eat them so they went into the lake to feed the seagulls that were hanging around. I think the lake dropped an inch because those things were so dry.
Fishing was pretty slow and the water was like glass. The one rouge gust of wind we did have picked up Grandpa's straw cowboy had (Mexico special) and tossed it into the lake. That thing sunk like an anchor. Wasn't supposed to being straw but it was gone for good. With the sun being hot Grandpa had to tie an old red hankercheif over his bald head to keep from getting burnt to a briquete. We laughed saying he'd scare all the fish away looking like that. Sure enough he caught the next fish and we told him to send it back to tell all his buddies about the old man with the rag on his head and to come check it out. And sure enough, we limited out in the next ten minutes. Grandpa was laughing harder than the rest of us that day. It was his day and that's what made it my most memorable trip, probably a tops for life.
You could say he had some mechanical problems with it. He rode out to where LH2 and I were fishing and then decided to move out a little deeper. The sled didn't want to start, but he kept pulling and pulling. Finally it started to sputter then went full bore! Joyride (kind of fitting name) was standing next to it - not on it- when it started up. Apparently the throttle cable was stuck. It spund around in a circle 2 or 3 times then strightened out and headed for the house- literally. We were out past the rockpile to the east and the snowmachine decided it wanted to go west. As it roared off, the little jet sled tipped over and dumped all Joyride's gear out (probably a good thing) and then dissappeared over by the houses. We could hear it singing for a while then the big crash. Turns out it went through a wood fence then tipped over on it's side and wrecked a bunch of patio furniture. The snowmobile was totaled but the house only suffered a broken window and the broken fence. LH2 and I didn't go see the house or damage so maybe Joyride will post some pictures of it. Like I said it's good no one got hurt, but it was a pretty funny thing to watch. Probably not so funny on his end though!
Most Memorable trip?
I would have to say it would have to be this past weekend we may not have caught any fish but it was still fun to get out there for the first trip of hopefully many this ice fishing season
Sorry !!! I don't have just one that stands out more then many others, each one has its own highs ....
This might sound dumb but the most memorable trip I had this year I got skunked but the wife made it the trip worth it. WINK WINK. It's great to be 25.
That trip definately does stick out. Still can't believe it.[shocked]
My most memorable trip would probably have to be either my honeymoon sturgeon fishing trip, or my sons first wiper in a boil all by himself.[
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Back when my grandsons were about 8 and 10, I took them out to the duck club I belonged to. There were a lot of big carp in the ponds. My oldest hooked in to a big one. It was really giving him a good fight. He backed up acrossed the road we were fishing from and got the fish up to the shore. The road bed was made of a lot of slag from the copper refinery. I reached down to bring the fish in and cut the line on a piece of slag. He had fought the fish for a long time, so you know what he thought of my move. He would not talk to me for a few weeks after.. I had helped him catch and realease his biggest fish ever. We still talk about.