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[cool] Just a reminder, don't forget to sign up for the second annual Devil Creek Ice Fishing Derby. Information and sign up at [url ""][/url]
Is the ice derby still happening next Saturday?


[Smile] The Ice Derby is still on and will be Saturday January, 19th at Devil Creek Reservoir. Log onto for more info, or to sign up.
I would sign up, but what is with the no alcohol? Everyone I know likes to have a little coffee and Baileys, maybe a beer or two... I don't want to forfeit $50 because I had a beer. We always have a designated driver and while I understand the liability issue, you could put in a disclaimer that it is strongly advised against alcohol consumption during the tournament hours. I would really like to know why?
o i am already signed up, along with the other 150 guys.
Does anyone know the actual number how many people are signed up so far?

I would also like to know how early you can set up on the ice on the day of the event? It is my understanding that officials will be availabe for check in at 6:30 a.m.

I know 150 contestants is not a large # of people, but last week there was only two locations you could get on the ice and a several people including myself got very wet. [unsure]

I would prefer to set up early trying to avoid a line up of people with gear trying to get on the ice and then check in. [Wink]

On your comment on the alcohol. Some people don't know how to maintain control. At another derby I attended they did not allow pesonal wheelers etc. on the ice to prevent any accidents from people with too much antifreeze in them, but they still had to cart away a guy with a broken ankle who thought it would be cool to go off a cliff in his black sled.
Not sure how early but the rules say you can use motorised vehicles to take things on or off and they must be removed before the 8 o'clock staring time, so I would think you would be able to go out on the ice before 8.
I did get a contact from Brett. He says he will more than likely be there very early. They do not want anyone on the ice unless they have checked in first, which they can do the night before in Malad between 6:00-8:00 p.m. at one of the gas stations, or early in the morning on sight prior to the event. Not sure which gas station, but it should be one of the two as soon as you get off I-15. Vehicles are aloud on the ice before and after the event. He also said it appeared as though the slush has frozen in the last few days. The edges should be a little better also with this cold snap we have had the last few days. I am excited and looking forward to it.
Thanks for the info. It should be fun. I will be the one in the Packer coat.

Hi All,

I will be there with my Bro-In-Law. Should be a fun time. Does anyone know how many people are signed up? Never been to this lake..... will it hold 150+ people? [cool] Is it gonna be like combat fishing?

See you there!
I think 150 people will be a lot for that lake, but it will be fun to see what it is like.

[Tongue] I thought the derby turned out great. I guess there was about 200 signed up. In my opinion the reservior was big enough to hold more people if they wanted. [unsure] I only caught one guppy all day which sucks compared to what I caught the week before. A 19 3/4 inch fish won the derby for just under $3000.00 dollars.

Thanks Brett,
I think you and your group did a great job !!![Wink] I will plan on the event again next year, and I will bring more people.