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Full Version: ice fishing???
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Fishing for ice sucks. It does't last too long out here in SoCal. It is very slippery. Have you ever tried to put a cube on a stringer. I finally settled on heating up the clip and pushing it through, but they always seem to get away. Someday I will finally get some home and I can have a drink on the rocks! Warm and sunny here today, bad for ice fishing...
Well there's the problem , your fishing the wrong fishing hole !
I'm an amature ice fisherman yet I must be pretty good at it because the ice leaves the lake, travles up the road and lays itself down on my steep driveway for me to catch [crazy].
[cool]---Merry Christmas everybody !!!! Just funnin' ya a little...
we like a good joke up here on the ice fishing board, but we will settle for corny ones too..[Tongue]
[center]Merry Christmas...[/center]