Was out at the river below Coon Rapids Dam this morning. Gnats all over the place! They followed me everywhere I went. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when the rest of the insects start coming around.
Anybody have suggestions on the best insect repellant to use while out fishing... or hiking for that matter?
These Minnesota insects seem to love my California blood. EEEK!![:/]
Hey there DrownedDesertRat,
Anything with about a 15% DEET content will be your best bet. OFF! Deep Forest by Johnson is pretty good or you can look up the website that sells the stuff the special forces use and find something just be warned you might talk funny after using that stuff! ha ha You may have to use something else if you are worried about ticks.
it has been a proven that any thing with the last name of clown them skeeters wont bite. clowns taist funny.[sly]
I was out in the yard and saw all the fleas were hopping around the grass.
them nats bite aint anywhere near as bad as their buzz. had one make a home in my ear once. drove me crazy.
eat garlic . you will loose the gnats and any chance at getting a second look from a cute waitress . use the deet , but watch what you touch , it will disolve things ( paint and finishes off your fishing gear ) . whear a B.F.T. hat , it commands a lot of respect and gnats won't go near one , unless ther crasy .
you can however use the gnats to your advantage . if the other guys out there see you swinging your hands wildely in the air , just yell out " you bad voices leave me alone , i don't want to hurt them ! "
guarinteed , you will get any spot on the water you want .
the garlic does work . it goes thru your bloodstream and out your pours . you will notice a stronger body oder than usual . i do this for duch hunting in the marshes . it works .
crushed ferns rubbed on your clothing will netrulize human sent . but do not apply if you are alergic to molds . do not apply to your skin , there is the possibility of parisites .
keep some strong menthol tablets with you ( HALL'S with vapor action) the gnats hate that stuff , but check the dosage requirements before use .
any hat will work , but it is my opinion , B.F.T. hats look cooler . i am going to get one myself soon .
Hey there DrownedDesertRat,
I heard that if one drank a lot of wine in camp that the mosquitos and nates seemed to be attracted to that person's sweat. I tried it but before I could tabulate my findings I seemed to always doze off. Again I indulged in one or two or maybe three bottles of Californias finer products again to only fall into a sweet slumber before any concrete results could be established.
Others may have tried the same experiment but with better results. Please let me know of your conclusions on this most serious scientific inquiry and designate whether port, chablis or a fine rose is the stronger attractant.
There's gotta be some wine they don't like! While you have your buddy drink the other!
LOL, good one Ron. But I don't drink. Nope, no alcohol for this boy. I don't wanna make my liver work overtime.
Hey guys, thanks for all your suggestions. I should change my last name to Clown, wear a BFT hat, buy what them special forces use, and eat tons of garlic.
If I eat enough garlic, do you think the fish would be attracted to my scent? LOL
lol for your sake I hope if you do that you aint mariied, cause iffin you are you wont be for long.[

JapanRon: Being a veteran of Okinawa and the billions of mosquitos that used to hover over our heads in the evening, I was suprised that you didn't mention the only remedy that ever kept those critters off our bodies. The only thing that kept them 2 feet over our heads and not on our heads was a lit cigarette or better than that a chaw of Beechnut. No insect can withstand the influence of tobacco and yes you're right I got hooked on chewing tobacco and it took a long time to get off of it. At the time it was all we had.
boy did you hit that one on the nail head,
grandmas house never had as much as a fly in it. let alone a skeeter or even a spider.
grandma's secreat weppon was her coffee can behind the couch filled with chawed packer and spit.
when I think about it now it turns my stomach upside down. grandma used to have us pull the can out from there so she could enjoy a good chaw.
I like my pipe or chawing on the end of a good cigar. unfortunatly I lost my pipe in a car axident and cant afford a good cigar any more lol...[sly] so I had to quit as well.
you are right tho, insets all but one do not like tobaco. I worked on my brothers backer farm, not even the horse flys would bite.
I realy think they mis marketed the stuff, it should have been used as a skeeter repellent.
just think, if you wanted to deflea you dog all you would have to do is walk him in front of a backer chewer and pay him to spit on your dowg.[

go figure,
I got an email about bug repellent today,
if you deside to try it let us know if it works. looks a little expencive if you ask me.
what timeing, here it is.
Normal Retail $29.00 . . . Our Price $19.99 - SAVE $10
Are you one of those people that spend long hours outdoors?
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LOL. I don't hafta buy it to tell you the results. An acquaintence of mine has one of them thar contraptions and uses it for his daily 3-mile walks. He says it works to an extent. Further testing (which I've watched on television) said that them things work on a few species of mosquitoes but for the hundreds of species in existence, it does little good.
lonehunter is right use garlic
but dont use suger and water lol[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh] [center]
i used to put sugar-water in a spray bottle and write mosquito repellent on it and then set it down on the fishing dike down at point mouley in monroe . i also would put wasps nests in a flee market tackle box with nuts and bolts in it too . once the sun went down someone passing by would snatch them up thinking we wouldn't see them .
it isn't a good thing to do , but it served it's purpose . it cut down on missing fishing gear for a bit .
I know this goes against everything we stand for here at BFT, but the insect repellant that AVON puts out has worked the best for me. My Wife happens to sell that crap and I tried it out one evening at Willard Bay. I was left alone by the blood suckers. You can always peel off the label so noone knows what kind it really is!
skin so soft - yah my girlefriend uses it too . . . they discovered it by mistake years ago, now they market it as such . .
ya ther aint nothing a little tenderiser to make the chewing easer fer them skeeters.[

I hear lots of folks sware to the fact that it works well. I have tryed it and it did not work for me.
the problem with any repellent is that it dose not work for every one. reason being is that every one's body chemistry is not the same. a can of off can work great for one person and attract them skeeters like honey to a bee for another person.
what works for me is cutters cream, just a little dab is enough for my hands arms face neck. I dont need to put it on my clothes.
another thing that works for me is olive oil, I learned this one from my clown makeup. my clown makup is olive iol base. putting it on my face it enough to keep them skeeters away from the rest of my upper body. just so long as I dont have bare legs while clowning I am in prety good shape. you realy dont want to use olive oil on a sunny day on the boat it will cook you from the inside out. you will baist in your own jucies. trying to swet thruogh clown makup is a real pain as well.
Any of you experts have some more fine ideas for repelling biting flies? Out on Lake Erie, doesn't matter how far out, the biting fly will find the boat. After experiencing a few bites from these guys, mosquitoes are not near the pain or bother factor. These flies have TEETH. And they avoid the responsive swat quite easily. I know someone has THE answer. Quick, let me know before the invaders arrive later in June.
did anyone say vitamin B12 yet? if you take 300% of the recommended b12 for a week before a fishing trp, the bugs will avoid you . . its a proven fact . .
As a vegetarian, I've gotta take B12 daily since I don't get it from my food. It don't work on MN skeeters too well. So I'm gonna load my food with garlic powder and fresh garlic when possible. If you smell garlic, look around, you just might see me! Yeehaw!!![crazy][angelic]