Fishing Forum

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The new, 2008 Urban Fishing Program brochures are now available at all Department offices and fishing license dealers in Arizona. The brochures highlight information on Chandler's new urban lake, Veterans Oasis, and include many new pages to help people get started fishing urban lakes. All license fees, fish limits and other regulations remain the same as last year. If you don't see them at your local license dealer, then ask them to check the warehouse.

In the midst of the holiday rush, don't forget to buy your 2008 Class U (Urban) fishing license for the new year. Urban fishing licenses are on sale for $18.50 at over 340 license dealers statewide or at any Game and Fish Office. The Class U license is valid only at the 20 designated Urban Fishing Program waters and is good for all fish species (yes, that includes trout). If you want one fishing license that covers all waters in the state, then the Class L, Super Conservation Fishing license is the deal for you. At $53 for residents and only $63 for non-residents, this super license includes the state fishing license, trout stamp and urban license in one value bundle. You can even buy fishing licenses as gifts for friends and family as long as you know the personal information that needs to go on the license. All anglers age 14 and over must purchase a fishing license to fish in Arizona. The optional 2008 Two Pole stamps cost $6 and allow you to fish with two poles at the same time.<br />
The annual "incentive" stocking of trout is scheduled for the week of January 7-12 and will include plenty of extra 1-3 pound trout with each lake delivery. Once every year, super-sized rainbow trout are ordered from our fish vendors. Mixed in with the usual 10-13 inchers will be some real bragging size trout in the 13-20 inch range.<br />
The troublesome golden alga that found its way into some urban lakes in 2005 has not been observed at any of the Urban Fishing Program waters so far this winter. This is the time of year that blooms of this toxin-producing alga have occurred in the past. Look for a brownish water color and fish moving slowly in the shallows or near the surface. Urban Fishing Program biologists are now routinely monitoring the lakes and collecting water samples to test for this unwanted, microscopic alga. Park managers and staff are also on the lookout for signs of the reoccurring alga. For more information on golden alga, go to and search for golden alga. To report any suspicious observations of fish behavior or lake conditions that may be caused by golden alga, immediately notify local park staff and then contact the Department at 623-236-7268. We have had good success in treating the lakes for golden alga if we can detect it early enough. Please remember to CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY all fishing tackle and equipment before moving to another lake or water.<br />
Fishing for trout is good to excellent for anglers using scented dough baits (such as Power Bait), worms or small trout lures. Best times to fish for trout generally are early morning, but some anglers have reported excellent fishing midday and late afternoon. Patience is the key, as the trout bite sporadically throughout the day. When the bite is on, anglers are catching limits in an hour. Some nice trout in the 16-19 inch range were caught after the last stocking. Action for catfish, bass and bluegill is poor due to colder water temperatures that slow down the activity of these warm water species. Trout fishing is good to excellent at Green Valley lakes in Payson with Power Bait, worms and small spinners working best.<br />
"¢ Phoenix Area Lakes - Stocked trout Nov 15. Next stocking - Trout the week of Nov. 26 - Dec. 1<br />
"¢ Tucson Area Lakes - Stocked trout Nov 15. Next stocking - Trout the week of Nov. 26 - Dec. 1<br />
"¢ Green Valley Lakes (Payson) - Stocked trout Nov 15. Next stocking - Trout the week of Nov. 26 - Dec. 1<br />
Remember to visit our Web site,, for updated stocking schedules, fishing clinics, public events, and other great fishing information! Also check out the web for new information on the Urban Fishing Program, Weekly Fishing Reports, to get your own copy of this Urban Fishing Bulletin, or submit your email address to get your name on our bi-weekly email distribution list.

View the Urban Fishing Bulletin on our web site.

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