Well, since we got the van fixed (dang automatic door and battery anyway), I just had to get out. My 11 yr. old and I got up at 7:00 and braved the cold temps, arriving at Mantua at around 8:00 (early for me).
Slow start. Met some good guys- Jeff, and Jeff. Easy enough to remember their names. It was great talking to you guys, and I hope you caught more after we left!
My boy caught his biggest fish out of that pond- guessing at least 15" largie, could've been bigger. He was definately nice and fat. I'm going to have to mark some 'inch marks' on my ice skimmer to serve as a reference. But Jeff and Jeff were there to witness his pole going down the hole!
Much to my delight, I did not get skunked. Just one nicely colored rainbow, guessing about 14".
We'd mark them on the finder, but they just did not want to bite anything today. For some reason, Mantua is slow for us this winter. I'm heading over to the east side maybe this weekend if anyone wants to join me. The ice was a good 6" with a couple inches of snow on the surface. Not bad at all.
Slow day, but a good time nonetheless. And met some cool BFT people.
[cool][#0000ff]What sounds like Jeff, but is spelled differently? Must be that influence.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Mantua has been stingy so far this winter. I suspect that the continuous wave of fronts moving through might have some affect on the fishing. You really have to time it right, as well as finding the active fish. Hopefully they will stabilize and you can pick up on the locatiions and the pattern.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is still better to be fishing, with poor results, than just thinking about it while at work.[/#0000ff]
You got that right, Pat. It's just fun going out whenever I can with the boys. With my work schedule and other things going on, I'm just lucky to get out whenever I can.
I don't care 'bout no stinkin' weather [crazy]
Still, if you would have been there, I bet the fishing would have been better! Just a sneaky suspicion. I didn't try those orange colored specialities...maybe I should have!
TD, I didn't fish Mantua last year and wanted to ask if you can park along the road on the South side, seems like I remember that "Officer Friendly" would ticket you if you did last year. Just curious and thanks for the info.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]My understanding is that you are okay if you park in the designated turnaround - parking area (at the end of the road, at the gate). But, guys who were parking along the road before they got to the parking area did get tickets.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If the ice is solid, you can walk out anywhere along the south side, or from the inlet north toward the point. A good plan is to take your sled through the gate and trudge a ways up the dike before going out on the ice...and check carefully for weak spots near shore. The gate is there to keep out vehicles but it is okay to walk in.[/#0000ff]
Pat, you coming up anytime soon? If not, I'm throwing your goodies in the mail tomorrow.
I heard the same last year, but with all the cars parked at the SE entrance, I did too. Maybe I was just luck, but never got a ticket the many times I've done that that last two years. (Now having said that that is sure to jinx me!)
Fishing was OK today out from boat landing/beach but nothing to set the world on fire. The largest number of fisher poeple were at the NW part of lake. Any reports from ther?
[cool][#0000ff]Probably not for a few days. Minor case of "snowitis"...lower back pain from moving around large volumes of snow.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Probably the next ice fishing I get will be New Years on Yuba...if Mama Nature behaves.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]I have heard that when there is "overflow" parking needed "Barney Fife...of Mantua RFD" mellows out a bit. Otherwise he can light you up for the silliest reasons. Plenty of folks have a bad taste about Mantua because of the goofy gestapo tactics of the "snivel servant" with a badge and gun.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I also suspect that he prefers staying inside where it is warm and comfy on some of the coldest days. Just gotta pick the right place at the right time and be lucky too.[/#0000ff]
Hi Chuck. I was at the NW area today in my report...see above. Not many around me were icing anything. One here and there was all. I think Pat is right about the weather having an effect on the fish. We marked them all morning, but could we get them to bite? Very rarely.
Thinking of hitting the SE area this weekend.
Derek...Nice meeting you yesterday. It was definately a slow day at Mantua but good to get out. The day started off pretty bad as the pull cord on my power auger decided that it would snap before starting. Thanks to Derek and his auger, we were able to drill a few holes. Missed quite a few bites yesterday but managed not to get skunked and catch a couple of perch and one pretty bow. Highlight of the day was definately watching Chris' pole almost go in the hole and watching him reel in that nice bass. He had one of those priceless grins that you love to see when kids catch a nice fish. Good Karma also....this was seconds after Derek gave me a couple of TubeDude's creation to try on the ice next time out. All I can say is TubeDude makes some nice stuff.....Thanks again Derek and Chris. Look forward to seeing you on the water again sometime.

]Jeff, I wouldn't have borrowed that auger to you, or given you those tubedude specialties if you weren't a Cowboys Fan! Those are some of the best jigs ever, and compliments to TD.
Thanks for the kind words. It was great meeting you and your friend. We will definitely have to hook up again soon. I'll probably head out this Saturday, this time over on the eastern side.