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I went fishing with my bro-in-law last year to Strawberry, I had never fished there before and not knowing what to expect I took a spinning, and a casting outfit.

We was doing a drift fishing technic that a good friend and duck hunting partner (gulfstream/airboater) from Salt Lake told my bro-in-law to try, since he was new to the area and didn;t know the secrets yet.

Well around mid morning I was using my spinning outfit and was casting out and had a back pain hit me just as I let go and I literally let go my whole outfit did a #9 swan dive into strawberry. I hurry and dropped the anchor while trying to keep a visual fix on the spot where the rod hit the water. Fortunately Kurt had ahuge treble hook still in tackle box from when he lived in Oregon. I tied that on my casting rod and was basically dragging across where my rod went down, after about ten minutes I was fortunate to snag it and much to my relief brought it in. Gosh this setup I have had for 20 years even though the cost to replace it would be insignificant it has some sentimental value to it.

Anyway thats my story, and we still get a laugh out of it while we're sitting around the fire at the ranch at night telling stories [crazy]