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Is it too early ?
One guy from the shipping department found a spike antler sitting on the fresh snow last weekend . A mechanic helped his brother-in-law re-trace his downed buck for the other antler that came off during the death run .
Anyone else seeing signs of antlers dropping ?
20 years in the woods..... havn't found one yet.
wonder if it wasnt from a deer with CWD[crazy]
As a kid I often asked my dad why we never found any antlers in the woods and he always told me the porcupines and other small animals in the woods ate them. Which is probably true as they must be packed full of minerals and calcium and make a nice winter treat.
I have never seen a porky pine eat an antler, but I wouldnt put it past them...

what I do know for a fact, mice, shrews, pack rats are the number one preditor for making antlers disapear, the last set I found had little mouse naws in them, I could see the teeth scrapings.. and no there aint no porky pine in the area I found it...
Well I left the hunt in the southern part of the state in roosterfishes neighborhood just in time to miss that storm that was blowing in .
The very first day we went out roosterfish droped his first deer ever , a dandy buck .
The antlers must have just fallen off a couple days prior when we examined the deer , the knobs were about a inch in diameter . One can only speculate how big that corn and bean fed buck had for a rack .
Bill droped that buck in it's tracks loosing a neck roast at best .

We went over to the Golf course after that , this is where the sheds come into play for this report . The groundskeeper has a hollowed out stump of a very large cottonwood tree ,( about 4 feet across ), the stump is filled and stacked upon with some massive sheds .
Antlers with points from 4 to 12 on each side fill that stump , all sheds found on the fairways during the past three weeks .
I myself had one 4x0 point deer walk past me , fine time for it to do so on a antlerless permit [crazy] .
Ya know , I might have to start bowcamp down roosterfishes way come next fall [cool] .
I too went deerless this year.. [crazy] didnt get out much, thought I might for the extended doe season, maybe next year... or is that this year,

I did get out for a little ice fishing the last couple three days of the year. a hand full of gills and a couple crappie for my efforts. was hopin for a christmas bass, the one I caught ended up being 2 inches short... Maybe next year, but it was good to be out on the ice....

Happy new year..

I ended up with 15 inches of the dump, kool, but we are expected to have a terible rain over the weekend on though next week,
I wouldnt mind having that supply of sheds my self, Just think of the products that can be made....

I heard for the first time in a long time that there wont be a harvest in Kensington park.... deer counts are way down....
Events for the weekend if plans work out ;

Shed hunting and GPS marking the trails and bedding areas (state land )on saturday .

Sunday some steelhead fishing on the manistee followed with some ice fishing at sugar springs in gladwin .

Purchasing some food plot seed , salt and mineral licks for Dads property.

Putting up the feeder for the birds .

Target shooting with my gals .
I spent about 3 hours one day trying to read though the new regs... I saw this year you could use salt blocks where as years before you couldnt, the kicker was that you had to add your salt block in to the amount of your feed...

I will start feeding the deer in my yard this weekend.

I am building me a new tip up, it is just about finished, I just have to put a couple coats of varnish on it and let it dry. so far I havent spent a dime on it, I was hoping one of my neighbors might have a can varnish I could hit them up for, "dont need much.."

I found a couple peices of mahogany 1x4 and 1x1.5

my plans are, maybe if I decide to step out of the house is to go out for varnish.. I still have to dig out my truck from the news year day snow storm, so maybe I will just sit around the house and wait for the snow to melt, no point in making a special trip.....
Send me your address... I have a pint of cherry wood varnish that might work out good for you. It's just sitting on my shelf collecting dust.
now theres a thought, Cherry wood sounds like it would do real nicely on mahogany.. Bring out the rich dark imperial red in the wood....

thanks, thats ok, dont send it, I will pick up a quarter pint the next time I am out later on this week its only a couple dollars, that cheep in comparison to what one of those tipups run in the market, I was told today that there is a place in town where I can buy one, I have to order on monday and it will be in on fryday for $50.. I am just procrastinating.[blush].. and trying to keep from giving away the family fortune to bush oil... LOL... [laugh][pirate] Cant beleive it cost 10 bucks just to drive in to town and back... its only three miles away...
Tell me about it , crude just hit the $100.00 a barrel mark !
My health insurance for the family is now over $180.00 a week with double the deductable and less coverage , if for any reason if I miss two days of work , I owe the company I work for money [crazy] !!!!
Third highest paid Govener in the U.S. and were at the bottom of the list in the economic groth listing , go figure that one out .

Comon ' Lotto !!!!!!!!!
the word is out that michigan and road island lost residents.... I guess all them guys who got kicked out of their homes had to go somewhere... I hear south....

any way my efforts to save a dollar ended up costing me a sawbuck, the two day minus ten degree temps killed my truck battery....

killed it dead... and since I was out I picked me up some moosies and a can of clear wood finish, "DEFT" no sanding between coats... drys in 30 minuts... cost 10.99, and I figured while I was at it why not throw a ruler on the tip up... so I picked up an aluminum yard stick for 3 bucks... I wil have to cut 4 inches off because my tip up is only 32 inches... but thats cool, walleye only have to be 15 and pike only need to be 20... maybe I will go 30 inches and have me a 6 inch scale when all is said and done...

I hear that medical thingy, I got two cuts on my middle finger that realy required stiches, I used a peice of gause and camo duct tape. to my dismay the birds couldnt tell I was a flippin them.. Lately I have been using the local witch doctor, "Indian Medacin Man" "aka me", good thing I know of a few working remedies, Funny thing tho, all the remidies calls for a little mixins of pappies corn squeezens....[Tongue] [font "Monotype Corsiva"][black][size 4]HIC'[/size][/black][/font]