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[size 1]Hey, Im sorry, its easy for me to hate a mass-murderering lying P.O.S. dry drunk loser scum evangelical jesus christ wanna be hypocrite, who wants to turn this country into an Orweillan nightmare . . .
repooplicant = moronic flag waving lying idiotic hypocritical scum sucking, narrow minded slobs
republicans hate real freedom, the only way you can only be acceptable in their nightmare of a society is if you are a racist, white, hetero disney cartoon, who points fingers at people who dont look like you, or make as much money as you, or never attended as good a school as you, or whoever your pedophile priest/bishop/elder/pastor/whatever tells you to hate . . [/size]
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[size 1][font "Arial Black"][black][size 2]I can fully understand how hate goes, it usualy derives from some one who only hears half truths, Just remember half truths are still half lies...[/size][/black][/font] [/size]
I thought the disney stuff was Peta Democratic anti meet anti gun anti hunting anti fishing ramble...[laugh]
Remember Bamby and nemo "fish are our friends and not food" [laugh]
What about them poor devistated cabage patch kids, my word, every time I see a salad being walked across a room I shudder to think about the poor cabbage patch kid who just lost mommy or daddy to a couple of spoon fulls vinigar and olive oil and a fist full of crutons... Lets keep in mind Poor mr & mrs Potato head and potato kid... were talking torcher champer here... talk about a nightmare, their fried, baked, mashed, foked, knived, spooned, skinned alive, smotherd in all sorts of mediums.... not to mention they get their eyes poked out before the torcher begins...[/#bf0000]
dont get me wrong, I love the works behind disney, I veiw it only as entertainment and not as mamby pamby political rederic
I see the anti gun rights clinton suporters were shootin thier guns off over new years eve at Houses, watter towers, in the air, and at people..... dozens of murderous deaths there...
the reason they do it is that they want leagle guns banned because they are sick and tired of getting shot at while murdering and robbing and home invading and kidnapping and robbing your retirements from your stock portfolio....
You have to ask your self this, do want a president who is going after people over seas or do you want a president who is going after people where you live?
Our Government should be one of laws, not of men/women influenced by corporate....
Just as there should be a seperation of church and state there should be a seperation of church and corporate..
the clinton ego and corporate influence are conected at the hip just as with bush and oil and cheney and halloboro. In thier self rightousness they see no wrong doings....[pirate]
Ok those were cheep shots..
For the sake of keeping it real,
you have to remember that every polition wants you to look down the narrow path that they paint for you... they dont want you to look at the events of the last thirty years and where they were and what their part was in the unfolding of events...
You get a much better picture of what happend then and what is happening now if you but only gather all your ducks, not just the yellow one or the brown ones or the white ones or the green ones but all of them, and get all of them in a row..
the picture you see will be a much different one than the one your selected candidate paints for you...
You learned in kindergarden to paint your own pictuere, dont let any one else to do it for you.. you have your own mind, and a good one at that.. I can tell by the stuff you have posted,
You have a right to be ticked off, I know I am, we have all been duped by these people,
but dont let an irrational emotion like hate cloud your judgement by being blinde sited by one individual... For if you do, you are no better than the individual who is following bin ladin
Blind hate is the devils best friend,
In a democricy hate will not allow you to change the path you are on... Hate has the Devils best intrest in mind...
The problem with night mares is you think you are being chaced by villians when you are actualy running in fear in to the devils grasp... Hence Reacuring Night mares...[crazy]
this problem with Iraq was a punt set up, volley and spike drive. It did not happen over night...
The punt
was with reagan/bush... If you remember your political history, Reagan/Bush was under enditement for illeagle arms deals with Iraq and the
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man husain. "
Weppons of mass distruction" - "Who by the way at the time visited Detroit and was given the key to the city by coleman young" Reagan litteraly over night developed full blown memory loss. Case closed...
Here comes Bush daddy[/indent]
This Graduate of West Point Millitary Accadmy "Husane" goes postal on a little country called Quate who by the way had a whole lot of american earned oil money and no one to spend it on... He stole art, gold and american dollars from instutions, banks, homes ect of this little out of the way country who by the way was blocking Iraq's ability to have a sea port and a whole lot of operational and profitable oil wells...
now here comes the thirty day sand dunes wars. Husane dosnt have the nukes that were not sold to him, and he cant figure out how to arm them. The US with the aid of seria says no no mr
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man you cant have a sea port and the oil wealth there and between.
This sets sour in the croft of the
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sand man and says its time to hit something, the wells in quate are still burining he cant do any more dammage there, his is surounded by breathern of Allie Babba and the 40 theives and aims for the nearest target bearly reaching it with the reject armormet sold to him by russian embacy called Skud Mistles. He was how ever able to target the poorest tribes in his country stating america has bombed non military dirt poor people in his country looking for aid from surounding Aribic nations and winds up getting himself accused of genniside.
Thirty days of sitting in the sand dunes waiting for america to come a waltzing in, Iraq's military collapses of starvation, dehydration, and disafilliation of the government who marched them out on a one ticket and no return and no means of suport. Not knowing as to weather or not if the war was still going on they walk in to seria with hands and guns in the air saying feed me semour, feed me...
The set up
Clinton set up laws that influenced the most prosporus times for the stock market in US history... unfortunatly it came at a price, the poorest and I mean dirt poorest suffered during the clinton years because they had to work for low wages and below leagle wages as illeagle imigrants continued to come in from all over the world just like during the republican years...
If you didnt have money to buy stocks you were preverbably chumped. But wait, during the Clinton years some of the greatest proffits were illigitamate reportings by companies stating thier net growth and their worth was far greater than what it was to sell stocks that it first sold to them selves then over the market to the general public and the rest of the world...
Oil was comming in dirt cheep from Iraq, litterly all they were getting was food and blankets thanks to clinton, this kept gas prices way down thus disabling the ability of oil barrons in the US from influencing supply and demand pratices of the nixon reagon and bush years.
These stocks were bought up by the hard working middle class americans, general stock marketers all though Europe, major oil selling middle easterners. and a few polititions including bush and his momma...
In clinton's the second term of office Anti gun laws were inacted by executive order (meaning gun restriction laws ordered by the president with out the act of congress) to wich hillary was married to, Being a civil rights person that would be lagitamate and unconditional grounds for divorce, I could not live with an anti rights person. and since you are judged by the company you keep, you cant be any more closer in company than being married to some one...
Spike drive
and here come Bush
six months in office the illeagle stock market collapses, poeple all over the world has found out they have been financialy raped, Including hot tempord revenge seeking Arobic oil Tycoons..
polititons who bought the stocks were able to sell back the stocks to the company and a concedrable intrest rate including bush's momma. every one else got chumped.. hard working middle class forgeners, who have not forgotten how during the clinton years they lost their bottom lines to stock fraud chooses not to aid in a war against mass distruction then switch the name of the war in the middle of the game to "war against terrorest to make it more apealing to americans and other nations"...
things dont get any better from there on in financialy. but wait here comes a bunch of airoplains crashing in to buildings, but not just any buildings, the world traid center and our government institution who did not force the companies to buy back all the fradulent stocks sold....
The come from a man named Bin Ladin, a "
Hired Henchman" our government dosnt know who hired him but they do know that reagan did not sell wepons of mass distruction to Iraq
so they have to go to Iraq to invade a country who dose not have the infrastructure to build weppons of mass distruction... they bairly had the tec or the natural resorces like iron and lead to build a third world weppons armorment. hence the relyance on russian resorces a country who for some reason like the US dose not beleive in armoring any one else other equaly to them selves.....
[ul] [li]so Iraq gets invaded, [/li] [li]the
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man gets hung,[/li] [li]the people cheer with glee,[/li] [li]the Aribic moffia pact with the
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man to avenge in the event of death is honored as best as can be...[/li] [li]Tribes in Iraq cant get along so here come civil wars, they have no understanding of a government other than one of dictatorship and cant abide working together with his poor worthless brother..[/li] [li]healing cant begin because of out side influences moffia, forgen and internal termoils and religeon of all things,[/li] [li]a new anti crist religeon is borne, kill thy brother in the name of god...[/li] [li][/li][/ul]
these ducks when placed all in a row sure do paint a vivid story, one some one might concider political conspiracy backed by corporate influance...
If your going to give murderous credit, then include every one involved with due credit, the situation we are in did not just happen over night at the crash of a plain...
If you dont think Hillary didnt have any thing to do with it,
Just think about this, behind every great man is a driving woman, Had adam not been driven to eat pick that apple he would have never gotten up off his lazy fishing and hunting life style buttox... [sly][laugh][angelic][blush][pirate]
those are the facts, I just put them in the row of sequance as they happened... paint your own pictures...
I just love being a tuesday morning couch quarterback and nothing makes it sweeter than when I can say
I told ya so...[
![Tongue Tongue](https://bigfishtackle.com/forum/images/smilies/tongue.png)
I wished I could be wrong about hillary, I truly do, but "
her experience " tells me otherwise... Being a man or a woman I will not hold back any punches, the sake of all americans and the world depends on us facing the facts and making our best dicisions based on those facts........
I have to add this last part for our conspirasy therioust...
no one gave orders to ship from claimably 1500 miles away a bommer with 5 nuklear mistles and it lands in a below sea level city that had been leveled by an oceanic storm called New Orleans where there is no government armorment institution just before hurican the new hurican season,,,, so chew on this, was some one unofficaly attempting to blow up the dikes during the next strom? or did those weppons of mass distruction that were not in iraq finaly not show up in new orlieans..[sly]
One last thing, global worming problem, how did clinton handle it while in office, he allowed the filthyest dirtiest manufacturing industries to pick up lock stock and barrol and rebuild the industry in china mexico and other nations where there are no laws governing how toxic waist are handled. pumes of toxins rise in to the air and fall in to the picific heating the shallow section of the oean creating the elnenio weather patterns that have shifted driving worm winds to artic.. Results are mega forest fires and drouts in the americas both north and south, floodings in normaly dry area...
so for stock holders sakes corporates were allowed to jump ship insted of facing the envoronmental laws inacted during the carter/reagan years...
so do your realy realy want the clintons back?
I say vote nurtral, because if you vote clinton you are going to get back another bush... Guarenteed.