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This was an article in the Standard-Examiner this week. Here
are a few quotes from the article that I thought you guys might find interesting. "Only one small reservoir in the Weber system, at Smith & Morehouse, will fill. Weber Basin reservoirs is expected to get as high as 55 percent. Secondary water for homes will be started later this year- May 1, for most locations- and finished earlier-Sept. 31. As of Monday morning the Weber-Ogden drainage basin was at 65 percent of normal. It's particularly depressing when you see it was at 81 percent this time last year. In top of Utah
people who use water for recreation are going to see significant differences. Pineview reservoir, which last year filled to overflowing, is only expected to go to 75 percent this year, Willard Bay will be significantly lower,
with reduced recreation" I thought this might be of interest
to everyone. WH2
Only one way to fix that. Stop watering your lawn. Dead lawn comes back fast, dead fish dont come back. If pineview doesnt fill, and the weber basin secondary water gets hit hard you can bet willard will be unfihsable due to low water before the end of summer. I believe all of davis and weber counties secondary water comes out of pineview if I remember correctly. I hear the irrigation is alreday going before the water even gets to willard so it should only go down from where it is now.
Sorry predator dead grass don't come back, dead is dead then you spend money to bring it back.
[unimpressed]The problem with most people is that they care about stupid things like a green lawn. If you want a green lawn go with astoturff that don't need any water, we need to remember what is more important fish or green grass.
USU is currently developing hybrid's of grass. Grass is only grass and a fish is only a fish. What's more important fish or grass who can say.

I like fishing more than most but if it come down to using conservation water for drinking water then so be it but for grass, not with my lisence money.
Nothing wrong with green lawns I have one and use minimal amout of water to keep it green and lush, all comes down to water practices. Plus I hate the feel of Astro turf when I play on it lol
I used to have a green lawn, but I fish too much. Oh well, now I don't have to water or mow.

Good Fishing, Kayote