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MN Lead Tackle Education Bill Added to Omnibus Game and Fish Bill The Minnesota Senate Environment and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Game and Fish voted on March 28 to include a bill aimed at increasing education and awareness of alternatives to lead tackle in the Senate Omnibus Game and Fish Bill.

Sen. Yvonne Prettner Solon authored the lead tackle legislation after holding a series of meetings with representatives of the angler associations, tackle manufacturers, environmental and conservation organizations, and members of the Legislature.

During the hearing, Solon expressed her concerns about the toxic effects of lead in the environment, including those caused by lead fishing tackle. However, she also made it clear that she was sensitive to concerns raised by tackle manufacturers and anglers regarding her original legislation which called for a ban of lead fishing sinkers weighing one ounce or less.

The legislation that passed does not include a ban of lead fishing tackle. Rather it focuses on increasing education and awareness about lead tackle and the nonlead alternatives. In particular, it would allow the DNR to work with other jurisdictions, including federal, state, and international governments, to promote uniform laws and educational programs regarding lead fishing tackle.

It would also require DNR and the Office of Environmental Assistance to provide public education regarding concerns about lead fishing tackle and the availability of nonlead fishing tackle. These state agencies would also be allowed to provide grants to conservation organizations and angler associations for educational activities aimed at reducing the use of lead fishing tackle.

The legislation would further permit conservation officers to provide information regarding lead tackle and samples of lead-free jigs and sinkers to anglers. In addition, the Department of Health and the Pollution Control Agency would be authorized to provide a report to the Legislature regarding the health hazards associated with the home manufacture of lead fishing tackle.

The Senate Omnibus Game and Fish Bill will now go before the full Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee for consideration.