I have been out ice fishing twice and have not even had a bite lol I must be doing something wrong, has anyone been out and been doing good?
didnt get out yesterday or today just yet, I may this afternoon...
we got a 3lb pike night before last.. couple crappie and a hand full of gills.... nothing realy worth to excited over...
I was looking at the moon this morning, we are on the last cressent so we should have a new moon in the next couple days...
I haven't been. I do need to get myself over to the other side of the Cascade Mountains where there is ice fishing. See what all we got for ice fishing here in Oregon.
I know 1iceman has been out fishing.
I have been out a couple times this season, about a dozen pan fish for my effort, gills and a couple respectable crappie...
I was susposed to go out yesterday, I got in the truck only to find the battery dead. we had two days of 10 below zero temps here this past week, guess I should have gone out and started the motor at least once during the time... I put the battery on the charger over night and it was still dead today... so I put the battery back on the truck, got the charger on it just enough to get it started, drove to the auto store shut the engine off and the battery was totaly dead.... pulled it out of the truck and went in for a new battery, only 90 bucks.... all I needed was a 2 dollar can of waxworms [

got the battery in, got the wax worms, and some varnish for my new tipup I built a couple days ago...
I started the finish on the tipup, just put the second coat on, I will put on at least 3 more coats before the night is over, one about every half hour or so... by morning it will be finished and I can re-esemble it and put it out on the lake for a try out...[cool]
I will get a photo and detail on all the functioning parts when it is finished...
I may have to change the hook, right now it is on a hair trigger, a crappie could set it off, just hope the trigger is not so light that my bait sets it off....[shocked]
Sounds like you're getting the ice you miss having. Glad you're enjoying yourself Dave! Catch a few for me! And don't forget to catch that duck eater.
you spoke too soon,
I went to go out today before the 2 inches of rain is due to set in tonight and tomarow, the ice is now 3 feet from shore....
no more ice fishing around here till at least the middle of next week for me...
how ever, I am working on my new tipup, just a few more coats of shalack and I will be able to re-asemble it....
right now it has a hair trigger, so I may have to change the tention... but I will test it out before I change any thing... the only concern I have is that my bait may be able to stet it off and that is just not exceptable..
how ever with the light setting in shallow canal where I am only fishing a foot under the ice for gills, there is the posibility of this contraption actualy not only hooking the fish but flinging them up on the ice for me...[sly][laugh]
any way when it is done I will get it posted...
my parts list is pretty small, the most expencive part is the clear varnish... well it is because that and a yard stick was the only thing I had to buy, the rest of the parts I had sitting around the house...
I imagine the two peices of mahogany would be a little more costly if I had to buy it, if I had to buy it I dont think I would get mahogany on my budget. how ever it is the best choice for the project.. it is a pretty wood... cant beleive I didnt want to pick it up and bring it home...
the designer of this tipup says maple is good enough... but any hard wood would doo.. stay away from pine and cedar because it is soft and wont hold up...
I am looking forward to getting this tested then out on the lake for walleyes...[cool]