My wife bought me a floating light for fishing. I was wondering if you can use them while fishing? Also she bought one that you would put in the water with 25 feet of cord. Don't know if that one can be used also. Any info would be great. thanks.
Totally legal to use an artificial light while fishing in Utah. I have used them on occasion at Strawberry (from my boat and also while ice fishing at night). It seemed to help a little, but nothing to get excited about. They have great success using them at Lake Powell for the stripers.
[#500050]Plankton and water born insects are attracted to the light, which in turn attracts minnows, which in turn atrracts bigger fish.....and so on.....and so on.[/#500050]
I have used them ice fishing and like kent said, it helped a little. I found that it wasn't worth my time to even bother with it ice fishing. At lake powell on the other hand, I wouldn't even consider leaving it home. It brings all sorts of fish to the party. You can actually see the minnows start coming and then the bigger fish like crappie. Once you start seeing that you drop your line about 40 feet and you have a striper. It is amazing how well it works for stripers, but not a huge difference ice fishing for trout.