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Full Version: Anyone here favor wolves coming to Utah?
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For those who oppose or tolerate wolves.

Lets all just consider that we need to protect animal habitat.

Utah is losing its environment, not to hunters, but to housing development and all that trash.

This was a "hot-button-topic" to present here for sure.
I am not in favor i hear they hurt the deer population
I am in favor of hunting them; so bring them on down.
So move to West Yellowstone! Keep them stinking things out of Utah. I have a good friend that is a government trapper, he has killed quite a few of them up in Wyoming. He doesn't hate them, but says they are pretty much pure evil. Kill for the pleasure of killing, wiping out elk herds, attacking wildlife....useless! I'm sure Canada was laughing all the way to the bank when the USFW bought those creatures from them. Their place was in the past, and they need to stay in the past. Way too much pressure on our wildlife with the loss of habitat from us humans. They do not need another predator around here to harass and kill them. Shoot, shovel, and shutup!
I am in favor of moving this post to the Hunting Forum unless there is some new breed of fish out there called the Wolf Fish!!![Tongue]
Kock I needed a good laugh over here in Kuwait. Wolf fishing LOL
Exactley what TKB said. I couldnt say it any better. Shoot shovel and Shut up!!!![Wink]
Predators have their place ecologically, but personally I'm instinctively still fearful of them......sorry but I don't care for wolves at all. I just have no empathy for them.......keep them OUT of utah. I don't need a pack of hungry wolves after me when i'm out fishing. I don't want to pack all the time. Aren't bears and cougars enough? And the occasional crazy moose.
lmao think of all the people that will cry because they have a wolf in there year killing there little cats and dogs. heck they cry because of the deer, bobcats, mountain lions, ect now in there yards. if you could find a way to keep them in just one little area in utah where they would be needed then I would be all for it. But they move and packs get to many and split. I could keep going but do I really need to? having been to school for wildlife bio. I think I may have a clue what could happen.
I've read a few of your recent post and it seems you are trying to stir the pot. Are you friends with worm and bobber or are you from that other site with all the fly fishing purest? Either way grow up and smell the roses, your fighting a loosing battle by taking on the wolf as your favorite pet. I would like to see how much you love them if you were in the middle of a pack of them, good luck with that dude[shocked]. WH2
Are you kidding me?? "I'm in favor of the wolves not the hunters" You came barking up the wrong tree with that rediculous remark. This has been fought over here before and you will lose this battle hands down. There is no place for wolves in UT and there will never be. If i see one while out and about i may have to SbNoEoEmZE! Your precious wolves are nothing but murderers and thieves! In fact, i hear WY has offered tags for them?? You may want to post this over there too. LMAO!![sly]
Wolves are very majestic...... I like to take them on walks. Never has such a subject been beaten to death as this
Chill! There is no chance of them coming here anyways! But if they

did who cares! They are easy to control if things get out of hand.

I've always liked wolves so excuse me!

Ive eaten elk and deer before but never took to hunting them.

Some people just like wolves thats all there is to it.

I doubt they would arrive to Utah my statement above was purely a

matter of opinion.

Yes some people would shoot them just like they would shoot a

cougar or bear. I think thats indecent and cruel.
Oh there is more than a chance of them coming to Utah. They trapped one in Morgan County last year or the year before. And I don't believe that was the only one thats been caught here. Amen to thekillerbee
There is no doubt that wolves will be, and have been in Utah. It's only a matter of time. It'll be interesting to see what the DWR plan for them is...
[size 1]"Me I'm in favor of the wolves not the hunters."[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[black]That idiotic comment is more than just an opinion, its a promotion for PETA.[/black]
[black]Wolves do not belong in Utah period. They have already been in Utah and presently there are wolves moving around here. There have been several move through the area I live in (Crawford Mountains and near Birch Creek Resevoir).[/black]

Wolves are destroying the Elk and Moose in Wyoming and Idaho. they need to be de-listed and hunted. Until they are removed from
Federal protection, it will only get worse.

Wolves will and do kill healthy and mature Moose and elk.
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[Image: Channel-Catfish.jpg]
Where are you guys at? Kuwait? Not in Iraq yet? WTF?
Oh how wrong you are! I took pictures of the black female they caught in Morgan 2 WEEKS before they caught it! Nobody would believe me and then it was all over the news. What very few people know is not but 1 week later they caught ANOTHER! The male this time. Don't tell me they are not and have not been here. They are already here and are a threat. If killing wolves is cruel, you should watch the video's of wolves attacking people and their dogs! You should do a little research on their behavior and then ask yourself again if they are still your favorite.[Wink]
it was the remark that heated up the responces. wolves kill pople to. how would you like to go on a pick nick and have one of your kids carried away infront of you. happens every yr in some countries. do a google and see for your self. and we already have them in the basin.