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I see these great big fish being taken through the ice at the Gorge every winter. Who is the best or rather who is the most dedicated that gets results?? Any opinions??
I would have to say fishley, he's one heck of a gorge fisherman.
later chuck
Best of something is a relative term at best. Best at what??? catching fish,catching just big fish,catching a limit of fish every time they go fishing???. I will give fishely is due,he has educated himself as the the ways of the fish in the gorge,and he has the pics to prove it.

But does that make him the best,that has ever wetted a line at the gorge? I hardly think so.I know fisherman that have caught some huge fish from the gorge ,both on open water and thru the ice,but you rarely hear about it.Does that make them the best??

What about the fishermen that target a certain species within the gorge(kokeanee) they catch limits time after time,and catch many big kokes to boot.Does that make them the best to ever fish the gorge?

The fisherman that put in the time day after day to learn more about what they are trying to catch,will be better then someone that visits the gorge a couple times a year. When someone comes to the gorge for the first time and catches a state record fish,does that instanly make them the best to ever fish the gorge?

Again how do you measure the best?
Fishley is pretty good. but i am sure his dad is right there with him. there are plenty of guys who have paid there dues at the gorge.
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Fishley and his 0ld Man IMHO. There may be guys that are as good with certain species on the Gorge but very few can compete with their overall year around knowledge.[/size][/#808000][/font]
Like you said it takes dedication and the time to be a good fisherman of any fish you deside to go after. But like UTW said fishley knows his stuff about the george; oh there was one other that used to post here that is just as good if not a little better Matey; on the george or bear lake.
Sorry, I realize the question was somewhat subjective. I should have been more clear. I meant who consistently catches the biggest fish [macs]. Sounds like Fishley is the man.....thanks