How many birds, ducks and geese, did you all end up with this season? Myself, i shot about 135 ducks and 0 geese so far. Not a very good year for me overall.[unimpressed]
I did shoot 2 mottled ducks so i guess it was ok.[blush]
Not many but you know how much I got out this year[

Around 100 or so. Not a fantastic year for me... Geese this weekend and next... Cannot wait for spring snow goose season!
0, I guess there is always next year...
I only made it out on the opener..[

], but I did get a limit that day. Next year the birds will pay!
Shot seven drake mallards all in one day. That's the year's ducks for me.
[inline Mallards.bmp]
I've got 120 ducks so far this season and 3 geese but we do have a week and half left! I did get a Bonner Pintail thats going to the Taxidermist! 5" tail beautiful bird[

shot about 50 ducks and 1/2 goose (the guys around the river bend finished the deed and kept it) but was a very mixed bag for me this year including drake wood ducks, drake hooded meganser, drake canvasback, drake gadwall, lesser scaup and the typical mallards, shovlers, green wing teal, and goldeneyes. 3 roosters, 50+ doves.
Man you guys have done well this past season. Thanks for sharing your stories and pics with all of us. Look forward to seeing more of this next year. Some great looking pics by all.
My son and I shot 21 roosters, 6 geese and 1/2 dozen mallards on week long combined deer/bird hunt in WY. the first part of Nov. We also took our bucks his was a 4X4 and mine was a 5X5 not counting eye guards.[cool]
That must of been one helluva combinination hunt? I think that would of been close to my dream combo hunt! Nice job..
Not really a big deal, we have some friends there that have about 3000 acres and run a few cattle. We hunt their land as well as some of the nieghbor's ground. Hope to retire in that area within a few years. The bucks don't carry large racks but are big bodied from feeding on the local crops and are very tasty. I'm attaching a photo of my wife and youngest daughter who flew back from Maryland to hunt with us this year and the bucks the four of us took this past season.[

Ended up with 105 ducks 1 goose and 5 crows. A good year but the normally great ice hunting was slower this year for me. Less divers too. Every bird shot was from Pintail north.
Crows? Are you hunting in UT? I didn't know they were legal to shoot? Good job on the geese, this is one of the only years i didn't kill any.
Yes Utah and yes legal (except on the BRBR) Just doing my part to help the nesting birds. Now if they would only make seagulls legal,then everyone could really help those suzies out!
Where did you find this info on crows? I can't find any. Also, something needs to be done about the cormorants. I HATE THOSE GD BIRDS!!!!![mad][mad][mad][mad]