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Fished the Hollow in 34' of water with several types of offerings. All bows came 12' to 17' below the ice. Nothing on the bottom at all. Ice was from 3.5" to 7" depending on where you drill. The edges were getting bad as i was leaving due to the 50* temps. Should solidify after this storm.[cool]
P.S. I caught 13 fish in 4 hours and missed that many. I also met fishin4thehog(sp?), good to meet you. He also did very good.
If you want vids and pics of nice bucks on winter range that whole area around the lake is covered with deer. I saw a 2 point that was nearly 30" wide with 16" deep forks! I also saw 3 bucks over 27".
What is EC, the name of an alien from another planet, or another secret "Lake X"???
East Canyon....[Wink]
It is an extremely secret lake se of Morgan.[Wink]
jk, It is East canyon.
How did you get the measurments on them deer? Sucker them in with apples and onions?
Your killin' me! [cool] If we can lie about fish than we can certainly lie about big bucks!

Scientific Wild A_ _ Guess!
SWAG huh? How long has this been around? Because I have owned my $2.99 Wal-Mart special tape measure and $19.99 Not on Sale Cabelas Digital Scale, for fishing of course, for about 4 years now and you mean to tell me I could have been using SWAG???? FOR FREE???? DAMNIT!!!!!!!!
Your in on the secret now[Tongue]
shhhhhh! Don't tell everyone...
Good to meet you too.. Spelling is (fishing4thehog.) But that works.. Like lunkerhunter2 said fishing was good.. I landed 18 bows in the same range.. To me that was a GREAT day on the hard top !!
If you want to read the rest of my report look under Rockport.. I messed up and put it on there..[crazy].. I guess i need to wake up before I post..[blush]
No, they prefer Captain America Power bait with anchovy smelly jelly.[sly]
Sounds like you had a fun day.... I'd like to get up there! [cool]
Where did you see most of the deer? I would really like to try out my new camcorder up there. Any other places you would recommnd going to see some big herds of wintering deer? I usually go up by Lost Creek, there's some decent bucks up there too.
I think my big advantage was using anchovey smelly jelly..[size 1] [/size]
I prefer dressing up like a "Yettie", drench myself in Deer Urine and running through the forest like a "cracked out" hobo!!! The Deer sure do get a kick out of it and they love coming up to you really close, sometimes a little too close. Try that HJBH, but be careful, them deer will knock that new expensive camera outta your little "Yettie" hand!!!
No, you be careful!!! If I see you in a yeti suit I will probably shoot you. I have been waiting along time to put the stupid "Sasquatch/Yeti" myth to an end.
LMAO! You too huh?
As for the deer areas, the sharp s-curves east of the marina had a ton, the property around Gold fleck in the ledges had a lot and 2 of the biggies, and the east side of the road about half way to the lodge. There were deer everywhere but the highest concentrations were in the ledges by gold fleck.
Saw those one big buck again and again all Nov by the curves on the road east of the marina. One time he was chasing the heck out of this doe. I saw her literally gasping for breath. They are hornier than even
East Canyon is my favorite place to ice fish. Last year was my first year ice fishing and I went to EC atleast 6 times. Have you guys ever tried usiding cooked shrimp for Rainbows. Some guy gave me his left overs last year and that is all that I use now. I have also found that it is cheaper bait than using anything else. If you go to Smiths and buy the smallest shrimp, 1/4 pound will last 3-4 fishing trips and cost less than $2. Can't buy mealie or waxie worms for that cheap.

I have made it to EC once this year and also did real well. Do you guys carry a motoralla when your out and what chanel are you on ?