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Full Version: Gorge- Late report 1/1/08 & Strawberry
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Here are a couple of pictures from tuesday with my little boy at the gorge and then a nice 21" cut from the berry. We went just south of the confluence in about 10-25 feet of water. It seemed like the smaller jigs were doing better then the larger ones. We were tiping the jigs with meal worms or shrimp. The shrimp out fished the mealies 3 to 1 but I think that all depends on the day and presentation. My little boy "Hunter" caught the biggest one of the day 20" Bow. It was nice to spnd a little of his X-mas break on the ice.
great job getin them kids out nice meetin you a couple weeks ago.ash
Thanks for all the tips and pointers. We really got into the 'bows just a little farther south from where you were. Burbot were a little slow that night but it was still worth the trip. Hope to see you up there again soon.