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Full Version: Deer season in Germany (pretty nasty)
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[#ff0000]This post contains pictures of a dead deer, well whats left of it anyway. If you can't handle gory pictures or blood, don't look at the pictures. This is for all of you that look at the pics and then go and tell the moderators that its too gory. If you are thinking of doing that, DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE PICS PLEASE.[/#ff0000]

These pictures are from the Autobaun in Germany. I don't know the story but I guess this car was doing about 140 MPH when a deer decided to walk out on the road. Some how the deer went right through the grill of the car and into the engine without damaging the rest of the car. Don't know how that works but see for yourself.
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040][cool]Yummy!![/#ff4040][/font]
I lived in Germany for two years and saw many wrecks on the autobahn and in most cases your lucky if you limp away....looks like who ever was driving that beamer was lucky as hell if that is all the pics of the brown stains in the driver seat.[blush]
Anyone up for burger?
That's a well tenderized deer. I bet they never got the smell out....
I wonder if the guy took the back straps off and cooked them on the radiator while he was waiting for a tow. [angelic]
Wow, those Germans sure know how to pack it in. [crazy]. WH2
Is that what they mean when they say "Compact Car"??? You can fit/smash anything into it.....anywhere? Are we sure that it is a deer and not a baby "Yettie"???[unsure]
I got those pics about a month ago in an e-mail. Those deer in Germany must about the same size as the ones in Texas. A German Shephard with antlers.