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Full Version: Yuba 1/12/08 (Saturday)
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Great day at Yuba today. Sun was out, and the wind was calm for the most part. Fished SSW of the island by painted rocks (39.352945, -111.949890 - LAT,LON).

Fished a white jig with a long bladed tail tipped with a mealworm 28 feet deep right off the lake bed. Fishing was strong and really constant all day long aside from a little low 2:30 - 3:30ish PM.

After asking around, it sounded as though a lot of people weren't having very good luck there today. That wasn't the case for us, as we caught our limit very quickly.

I was going to take a picture of the pile of fish we caught, but I was a little shy about it since they were all only about 8" - 10" in length with a few of them being real fat.

Thought you all would like to know Smile.


edit: turns out it's the year 2008, not 2007.
Sounds like you guys had a great time.Wish i could have made it today but didnt. Did you stick with the same jig all day long or did you try different ones? Was there anyone fishing the nw corner of the hill past the boat ramp? Were the edges soft ? Cant wait to hit yuba sunday afternoon. How late did you stay?
Stuck with the same white jig w/ mealworm on my first pole all day. My dad had a smaller white jig (one with a tentacle tail) and had an earthworm piece on his.

My second pole was a pike (wishfull thinking) setup, with a J-hook and a treble hook in a chub minnow. I wasn't so lucky as to get a pike however.

It was very crowded today on the lake, and there were people all along the south-east side of the island (even more so around us once people noticed the fish piling up). There were two groups of people fishing just east of the boat ramp, but no one that I could tell fishing the NW corner of the hill.

The edges were pretty soft close around the island, however they were strong. The edges down by the boat ramp were crushed a little from people driving on them, but otherwise very strong as well.

We stayed until 7PM, just because we were having a lot of fun.

Best of luck tomorrow when you go. Hope you have as much fun as we did Smile.
Guess i am gonna have to break out the white boogers tomorow! [Tongue] Gonna have to take my chubs and try for pike since you mentioned it. My daughter wants to know if there was any ice cracking? She freaks when it makes that noise.[laugh] The ice is covered in snow right and i guess some slush. Welll thanks for the post.
[size 1](There were two groups of people fishing just east of the boat ramp,) lol ya sure they were east of the boat ramp? [sly].. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]i have never done very good fishing the parking lot. [Tongue][/size]

nice report.. thank's for the post.. alway take pic's and post them man thats part of the fun!
the ice cracking happens early morning or late night, so I wouldn't worry too badly about that Smile.
Hrm.... that would explain why they weren't catching too many fish Wink.

They were more south, and just a little east of the boat ramp.