Voice your opinion about PETA, and lets come up with a new defention of what it stands for!!!
People Eating Tasty Animals!!!
[cool]I've always found it interesting that PETA members pick on little old ladies wearing fur coats. You never see them hassling Hells Angels dudes wearing their "leathers". I guess they do believe in conservation...of their own lives.
Here's a shot at another meaning for PETA...Poor Examples (of) Total A**#$@*.
What gripes me the most about organizations like PETA is that many times they start off with good intentions. Then you get a few vocal radicals in the group that starts steering the organization on to the road to H!*@.
I respect and value animals and wildlife. Thats why I practice C&R, or if I do keep a fish, I eat it. I would bet $0.25 that I know more about the aquatic ecosystems of my local rivers and lakes than many of the PETA group. (The more I know, the more likely I am to catch fish [

Anytime a group goes to the extreme is when that group starts to loose legitimate power, then they try to gain power in other ways. There is a place for conservation and common sense, and then there is a place for PETA . . . extinction.
With that said, I remember a quote from high school that I would say to a PETA member, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Then I would ask them for dinner, we're having steak and fresh fish.
[cool]Sounds like the story of the Catholic Priest who invited the Jewish Rabbi to lunch...of ham sandwiches.
Heard another fun story about the PETA folks attending a meeting of the Wyoming sheep ranchers association. The topic was coyote control. Seems the coyotes were taking a big toll of the new lambs each spring and the sheepmen were talking about the various options of traps, poison, aerial shooting, etc.
A lady from PETA stood up and suggested that the male coyotes be live trapped and neutered, rather than being killed. At that, one of the hardcore old sheep guys retorted "The coyotes are eating my sheep, ma'am. They ain't (mating with) them."
Too funny!!!!!!!!
Hit the Provo last night with an old friend. Fished from 6:30 -- 8:00 p.m. I landed only 2, lost a couple more. One brown I landed topped the 18 inch mark.
I still haven't been able to test my Cuda [

Well, we do need conservation groups. If PETA wasn't about forcing their opinions of how animals should be treated (Royalized) then it wouldn't be such a bad thing. The worst thing about PETA is the fact that they force our rights on animals, they are trying to get rid of important traditions, and their so called "Conservation efforts" are actually damaging to the environment. Take for instance the closely related Environmentalists. Here in Southern Utah, the bark beetles have hit us with a furry. The once green Cedar Mountain is now brown with thousands of dead trees. You would think that a good idea would be to utilize these important resources to provide wood products. The trees are already dead, and if we plant more in their places, the forest would be healthy again. Unfortunately, they (environmentalists) won't allow us to harvest these trees. Thus, it continues to damage the area. With the major drought we are in, fires up there spread like crazy, thanks to the environmentalists. While I think fires should be allowed to renew forests, it gets out of control with dead trees. PETA is much the same way, and if their ways were enacted, then animal populations would actually decrease due to the predator decrease (man). We really need to stand up for our rights to hunt and fish. A few dead fish either harvested, or from wounds, are actually natural, and besides, many of the fish were stocked for the reason to be caught. If we let most fish go, it doesn't really do a thing to the fish, other than a little stress. So they really are not informed on the truth, and probably won't listen to it either.
I had a member of the sierra club, just a different faction of PETA a few years ago come by my house on a donation drive. I went in my desk drawer and got out my used deer tag and handed it to him. The stupid kid tried to fist fight me on my own front lawn. Are these people out of control or what???
[cool]They're definitely out of something. More likely just out of their minds. I have always allowed other people their rights...as long as their rights do not infringe upon mine. And, when they get hostile and belligerent about it...as your visitor did...then they get to enjoy my 'CRAZY ACT'. I'm a big boy and I can put on a pretty good demonstration of why they don't wanna be messin with me.
I have never been able to understand why some people have to get so involved in other people's business. Good grief. Get a life and leave others to enjoy theirs...however they want to.
LOL, i can just immagine your act , something out of deliverance or a " george " the animal " steel ? (old pro wrestler - really a colidge professor , i met him once )
i always liked arguing with my imaginary friend , you know , the voice that wants me to do bad things ! that always gets them a little more than uncomfortable to be in my presence .
I like your definition of PETA aaron. when am I gonna buy your float tube? the next time i see you. so go to regional or something. i want it. hey that kinda sucks how your on spring break right now and me chris and greg have it next week. I think I'm gonna work on friday. do you have school?
Hey Joe,
Mayb tomorrow, I have to find out if Im still going to my Grandpas. I caught 4 toad bass at El do today and a bluegill that was like 3/4 to 1 lbs! The bass were anywhere from 1 to like 4 1/2 lbs. Mayb we can still go tomorrow, sounds like chris is going to a party though, mayb we could still go though.
Big and small kill em all,
I say the only good PETA member is a dead one (except Pamela Anderson)!!!
Big and small kill em all
Let me tell you something about these models for PETA. PETA is using them to sell their ideas. Their campaign is "We'd rather wear nothing than fur." You can guess what that means. Yes, they have supermodels posing without clothes to attract male supporters. I think it's very sick myself.
[cool]Yeah...if God meant for us to be running around without clothes we would all have been born naked.
You gotta admit though, some folks look better without clothes than others. That's why they use the models. It's not right, but it does create attention and that's what they are after.
The good news is that we all keep the right to make our own decisions...for our own reasons. Nobody can take from us that which we do not wish to give up. But, PETA and other activist groups keep trying to restrict or take away our rights just because they have a different opinion. They have the right to their opinions, but not the right to trample on our rights.
Hey there TubeDude,
I hadn't thought much about the degree of impact the different types of craft we fish from have on the enviornment. I don't think any craft properly maintained hasn't any kind of immediate or longterm negative effect on water quality or habitat.
With that said, we in float tubes (kayaks can have motors, etc.) probably effect the enviornment less than most types of fishing either from a boat or shore. With 0 emmisions (hopefully), being closer to and handling fish more gently than most anglers are able to do, not litering the water or shore, and generally disturbing the enviornment less makes us pretty much enviornment friendly. Of course, we're ignoring Crowley Lake, California on opening day or LNL when there's a big trout plant. ha ha
Just a random thought stimulated by PETA, tree huggers, kelp huggers and their rabid factions who claim we are destroyers of nature, habitat, etc. PETA ?! PET A what?
[cool]You make some good points. I hadn't ever considered just why flotation fishing was so appealing to me. I foolishly thought that it was because it was "silent but deadly", more efficient, more fun and stuff like that. Now I realize that the big appeal all along is that it is environmentally friendly. Thank you so much, JR, for enlightening me. I will enjoy future float trips so much more now.
But...a terrible thought. If I enjoy it too much, it will only be a matter of time before some special interest group will decide I am having too much fun and organize a protest campaign to get float tubing outlawed. Instead of PETA, it might be LAFT (Losers Against Float Tubing).
If that happens, that's when I go ahead and get a 50 caliber machine gun mounted on my craft. Considered it a few times for personal water craft and skiers, but if the whackos ever start trying to get me outta my craft, they're gonna hafta deal with "deadly force". And that has nothing to do with the burritos I ate the night before. Talk about "emissions".
Hey there TubeDude,
Put us and some other guys heads together on 'Why Float Tubes Rule' and we could solve the entire world's problems. War you say well.....I'd just like to see some iraqi soldier running across the desert toward our tanks with a standard, triple decker float tube strapped around his belly. You know he would much rather be in Basara Harbor fishin'.
Yes, any problems or questions, anglers or non-angler alike, may be answered with a little time in a tube. After all, people are always talking about someone else's 'Thata Tube'.
Enough from me for now,
[cool]I would say so. You gotta go to bed earlier. You get some strange flights of fancy when they let you stay up late at the home.
Gotta say, I can't disagree with you though. Get out on the water and your perspective on the whole world changes...for the better. Getting your string stretched kinda takes the edge off any notions of world domination. When your priorities are catching those uncatchable fishies, bombs and power don't seem so important for awhile.
I will be thinking about that visual for awhile...the Iraqi soldier, wearing a float tube in the desert. They might mistake him for an Arizona fisherman that took a wrong turn.
Tube Dude,
I like the LAFT idea, Youre right about having a machine gun mounted.[pirate]
But if you did that we would then be pirates[pirate], but it would be worth it.
You need to come to Irvine lake in August, I think the 24th so we can tube Irvine and watch the bikini contest I mean what else could be better than fishing from a tube for big cats and crappie and watching hot girls strut around in nothing???[

BIG and small kill em all,
Hey there TubeDude,
HOME, so that's where this is?! I thought the funny little screened windows waaaaaaaaaay up high that keeps out the daylight, the nice soft, pillowy walls, and the new style smoking jacket were to make me feel at HOME.
Awaiting your report on the Force fins and how much fun you had catching those fishies.