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Full Version: 12 gauge barrel vs Snow
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I got extremely lucky this past deer hunting season.

I shot a big doe and in tracking it down I had gotten down on all fours to get under some heavy brush. There was snow on the ground and obviously got some in the barrel of the shotgun. I didn't even think about getting snow in the barrel. I was to busy tracking the deer and the thought of obstructing the barrel with a little bit of snow didn't even enter my mind.

Well you guess it... the snow had blocked the barrel and the next shot I took blew the end of the barrel apart and cracked it down the lengh about 5 inches.

I wasn't hurt at all. I got extrememly lucky it easily could have backfired on me. Worse yet, no one knew were I was because I had walked well over a mile from my blind tracking the deer. Just wanted to give a friendly reminder to all those hunters out there. If your walking through heavy brush or in the ice and snow check the barrel before you shoot. Otherwise it might be your last.

See attached pic for what a little bit of snow can do to your barrel.

ps... if anyone has a Remington 12 gauge slug barrel laying around the house you don't need anymore LET ME KNOW !!!

[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=32714;][/center]
I edited your photo for ya, here ist is..

I must say your are the fortunate son..

your lucky the barol was only partialy plugged, a full plug would have ruptured all the way back in to your face...

todays barrols are thiner, lighter and wont take any abuse...

I know a guy who dinged his barrol in a car door, it works ok for bird shot, but the first time he fired a slug though it, the gun jumped right out of his hands...
Glad to here your ok there Jack rabbit. I put a peice of black electrical tape over the end of my barrel to aleviate that.
Do you take your first shot with the tape still on or do you rip it off once you get to the blind?
I use electri9cal tape all the time and jusgt shoot right through it. Doesn't affect the shot at all.
Like Bearclaw said. Leave it on. Shoots right through with no problem. I know many otehrs that do the same thing with no problems
Cool. I'll give that a try next season for sure.
just put a spunge bob square pants band aid on it, thats all ya need... [Tongue]

so what did you figure, is the rip to deep for you to meet your minimum over lenth? "according to michingan law"
I had a buddy who had a sawed off shotgun, 16 inch lenth, at 60 feet he fired one shot at a rabbit, he ended up with three rabbits a ground squril and a chicken..[laugh] no lie... one of my best layen hens to boot... lol....