01-15-2008, 09:10 PM
SALEM, Ore.- Individuals that purchased Access and Habitat Program deer and elk hunt raffle tickets on or before Dec. 17, 2007 need to exchange their tickets through ODFW headquarters because they were printed with incorrect hunt choices.
Incorrect deer hunt tickets list Statewide Deer, SW/Central Deer, Northwest Deer and Southwest Deer. The correct choices are Statewide Deer, Southeast Deer, Northeast Deer and Central OR Deer.
Incorrect elk hunt tickets list Statewide Elk, SW/Central Elk, Northwest Elk and Southwest Elk. The correct hunts are Statewide Elk, Central/SE Elk, Northeast Elk and Western OR Elk.
Incorrect tickets should be exchanged by returning them to ODFW Raffles, P.O. Box 7760, Salem, OR 97303. ODFW will send the purchaser new tickets, which must be filled out and returned by May 16, 2008 to be eligible for the raffle. Purchasers of incorrect tickets may also request a refund.
ODFW sold 359 incorrect tickets to 50 individuals at ODFW offices or point-of-sale locations between Dec. 1 and 17. The error was discovered Dec. 17 so raffle sales were suspended until Dec. 19, when the problem was fixed and sales resumed.
ODFW sold about 58,000 deer and elk raffle tickets last year, raising over $100,000 for the Access and Habitat program, which gives grants to private landowners to provide public hunting access and/or improve wildlife habitat on their land. Winners of the special tags enjoy an extended season and expanded hunt area.
For information on the A&H raffle ticket program visit http://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/hun...s_raffles/
Incorrect deer hunt tickets list Statewide Deer, SW/Central Deer, Northwest Deer and Southwest Deer. The correct choices are Statewide Deer, Southeast Deer, Northeast Deer and Central OR Deer.
Incorrect elk hunt tickets list Statewide Elk, SW/Central Elk, Northwest Elk and Southwest Elk. The correct hunts are Statewide Elk, Central/SE Elk, Northeast Elk and Western OR Elk.
Incorrect tickets should be exchanged by returning them to ODFW Raffles, P.O. Box 7760, Salem, OR 97303. ODFW will send the purchaser new tickets, which must be filled out and returned by May 16, 2008 to be eligible for the raffle. Purchasers of incorrect tickets may also request a refund.
ODFW sold 359 incorrect tickets to 50 individuals at ODFW offices or point-of-sale locations between Dec. 1 and 17. The error was discovered Dec. 17 so raffle sales were suspended until Dec. 19, when the problem was fixed and sales resumed.
ODFW sold about 58,000 deer and elk raffle tickets last year, raising over $100,000 for the Access and Habitat program, which gives grants to private landowners to provide public hunting access and/or improve wildlife habitat on their land. Winners of the special tags enjoy an extended season and expanded hunt area.
For information on the A&H raffle ticket program visit http://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/hun...s_raffles/