geez!!! its the middle of april, and the Pursuit, the boat i work, has only gotten 2 sea bass. rediculous!!! if you guys think its the boat, then, well..... nevermind. chris and aaron, i know you are gonna talk crap about the pursuit. any ways, tell me some of the techniques you are using to catch the croakers. thanks.
dh tubbin'joe,
Some of the local guys at Catalina got some yesterday. Little bit of squid off of ben weston. Went out on the Pierpoint yesterday local. Fishing at horseshoe was lousy but water temp was a 60 degrees!!
there in URANUS!!
wow!!! 60 degrees. I haven't been able to go out for about a week. and when i was out the temp was only 56. on the pursuit, we have had squid for awhile. but only have had only 3 or 4 caught. all at catalina!

][size 4]hopefully the truline will run this week because my spring break is this week[


]! ahah hopefully[unsure][/size]
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[size 4]-chris (truline!)[/size]
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Hey there DH Tubinjoe,
I should have said the catchin' was lousy, actually the fishing was great. We had pinheads for chum and decent sized dines for hookbait as well as frozen bait, the weather was great and the load was under 15 guys mostly one of the clubs I belong to in the South Bay. You'd think the cuda would have shown but no go. Lots of short Halibut and grumpy Sculpin released. Funny too, the Sandies and very few Calicos were around either. Jimmy said that we're goin' to Catalina next week as those new engines are pretty much broken in buy now. he he he
Never fished the Pursuit, strange...... anyways hope to take that ride sometime and hook up on your turf! ha ha

][size 4]hey u guys ron fish the truline this upcoming week. its my spring break and ill prob. be working it with eddie. so dont waste your time on the pursuit! j/k joe no hard feelings. so see ya tomaro hopefully in the early morn. ill be there like 7 or 8. see ya on the flip side!![/size]
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[size 4]-chris[/size]
I KNOW where they are!!!
Its hard to believe, but the pursuit caught many white sea bass yesterday at cape cortez. many white sea bass. we are the first open party boat to do that well this season with the sea bass.
i went down to the bunks for a little nap, and when i came up onto the deck, i saw this 26 pound croaker laying on the deck. the bite was on for about an hour, then died down. they would swim through our area every 15 minutes. they were just looking for something to eat. we through our baits out there and, HOOK UP!!! HOOK UP!!! HOOK UP!!! HOOK UP!!! four people all at once would get hooked. we were cutting lines, moving people down the boat, and pushing people out of the way. thats my first time working on a boat that caught that many sea bass in one day. IT WAS GREAT!!! i just regret me not throwing a line in. i have never caught a sea bass before. actually, people say i hooked up on a black sea bass, but we'll never know. I could have caught at least 3 that day. too bad the limit is one per person. I should be going out today too, but i was too tired that day. i wanted to sleep.
check the fish report for 22nd street landing to see how many sea bass we caught.I'll give you a hint, there is a 1 in the number and there is also an 8 in the number.
Hey there DH tubinjoe,
Thanks for the report! Ya, it gets crazy, especially when very few people are really 'tackle ready' for that first run from a 35lb+ fish! I always hate to hear about cutting lines as, besides it being a crazy bite,it says to me that there were probably either a big load of guys, lots of rental rods (no insult intended translated means possible lack of experience for that type of fishing or fish), boat position problem (shuhhhhhhh don't say anything about that one), wrong tackle, a lone deck overwhelmed initially, or just plain old bad luck. Having worked on the boats myself, I know one or all of these things can happen, ALL at the same time! ha ha ha
Thanks for the heads up. I'm going out Thursday for sure and maybe Tuesday or Wednesday just to practice up.
Oh ya, could the number be 0.0018 fish? Gotcha ha ha I depend on you being nice when I ride your boat so I'll cut the jokes.
Lots of rental rods! Lack of experience was in the air, hehe, and a lot of guys that didnt want to give up their spots! Oh well, we still managed to bag up 18 of them. It kinda seemed like I was bragging huh? well.... I WAS!!! haha.
Hey there DH tubinjoe,
You need to play a good song like the electric slide and teach all of them to do the tuna shuffle to it. ha ha That shuffle ain't just for the tuna! Especially when the sea's pretty high and the current rippin'. Even the half sea-sick, half-bombed guys know what it means when you bellow out, 'follow your lines and keep'em directly out in front of you'! Ah!... those were the days!
Ya, I never give up my spot either BUT I don't mind lending it to a whole bunch of guys that are just passing by it until the single drift is done and I return to the start for another dance!
Oh Ya forgot, Stick with line dances, the waltzes will get you in deep trouble I suspect.

][size 4]hey japan, im going to work if the truline runs on thrusday after i hit up santa anna lakes in a tube so try the truline and i might be workin[

] ok just wanted to let u noe..... later[/size]
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[size 4]-chris[/size]
[cool]"Where are they?" is the toughest part of WSB catchin'. Or rather, "Where will they BE when they go off?"
I'm not sure on that one, but if you go on the pursuit, i guarantee you'll get hooked up. we caught another 38 white sea bass saturday. we are the only boat that is doing that well right now.

][size 4]you really like to advertise for them huh joe? well u do like to brag. ok well thats just u.[

] ok im out![/size]
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[size 4]-chris[/size]
Hey there dh TubinChris,
I'll be out on the Pierpoint fishin' Santa Catalina Thursday so.... may go Tuesday or Wednesday too if the WSB or yellows start to show Monday.

][size 4]ok maybe you'll see joe or something. they are floatin today. i couldnt because of my grades. but then my mom said i can go to santa anna thursday. i will work atleast 2 nights this week hopefully. on the TRULINE!!!!! hopefully they will get a run going. see ya and thanks for the info![/size]
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[size 4]-chris[/size]

][size 4]FIRST RUN OF THE SEASON ON THE TRULINE AND THE BOAT GOT LIMITS!!!! OF WHITE SEABASS!!!! ahah thats a very nice catch!!!... see ya joe try to catch up to that run
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[size 4]-chris (TURLINE!!!!!!!!)[/size]
Joe: I know where a bunch of them are! I was riding my bike around the Marine Stadium and stopped to watch a guy fishing at the drain of the Colorado Lagoon into the Stadium. He had a stringer of white sea bass the biggest being about 10 inches. He had caught 10 of the babies on small live smelt.Of course I educated him on the size limit and he gracefully released them but I'm not sure whether they made it, they seemed too though as they struggled off the chain. He thought they were sand bass and caught lots of them during the last low tides of the week. Alamitos Bay is a nursery for sea bass and barracuda and many don't know that. It's almost impossible to catch a legal of either kind, but it's really easy to catch lots of them. I patrol most of the fishing spots for my bicycle exercise and educate many people about them. It's amazing that so many anglers can't identify fish. (or don't care).