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Going out tomorrow for the first time on utah lake to ice fish. is there a good spot on the west side? I'm not after one fish in particular, I just want to catch fish. Any help would be great. you can PM me if you'd like. Thanks for the help.
Try the pump house..Comb up and down the channel. There is always blue-gill in there by the actual pump house cement.. but they tend to be pretty timid. I haven't hit it lately so I don't know If the Whites are still there. I know they were in there 1 week ago. But, like most places on the lake, the big ones aren't so much. Right now ice flies seem to be working well with a wax worm on them. Also, you still might be able to get the whites to hit a sonar still. But, they do seem to be slowing down on the aggressive end so, something smaller might be a better bet. With this wacky weather week of snow/no snow/snow/no snow/snow.. they might be a little timid. (maybe)
But, you never know...
You can also try the channel West of the pump house, bluegill are in there and are VERY timid as well.. Takes a fair amount of "contract negotiations" to get them to accept the deal.
Hope this helps.. Post up how you do.
I know AF Harbor has produced whites lately as well.
Well, we bombed out at Utah lake. Caught one small white bass while I was there at the pump station. Just not my day I guess. I'll have to try again.
I also had a slow day at the pumps this last week. I took a group of friends who had never ice fished. They each caught 3 white bass and enjoyed themselves. I marked lots of fish on the finder but hardly any takers.
the reads but no-takers were probably blue-gill. They are really annoying, because you will see them come right up to your lure.. look for a second, then go back down.
I have found if I get something small, like a small ice fly, then put a gooey wax worm on there.. they'll hit it..
Did the whites have any size to them?
No, no size to really speak of. They were about 8 inches I would guess. Nothing too spectacular. I tried a pink/white ice fly for the bluegill with mealworm on it, but no hits. I was quite suprised since a week before i caught 8 or so in an hour on the exact same setup. I got to be the coach this time around so I didn't get to spend much time fishing. Maybe next time I'll hit it at the perfect time, with the perfect bait and catch some huge whites.[Smile] So far I have had the best luck at AF boat harbor though. I will probably try there this week.
[cool]I've heard that around the Pelican Boat Ramp is producing pretty well for the white bass and other panfish. I nailed about 45 'gils at the pumps a week ago. You have to MOVE AROUND in that little channel til you find them. They are in there, and they are a LOT of fun. The whities have escaped me so far this winter though, but I've only been to U.L. twice this season...
Pelican Ramp was pretty hot earlier.. Has slowed down for the whites though lately.. (Like most places). There are a lot of Gills there too though... but the drive is pretty far for most people to get there. Everytime I go there I keep thinking.. "Man, I feel like I am almost at Eureka!"[unimpressed] Probably just because I can never get to the lake fast enough[Smile]