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I went to Sportsmen's yesterday for some new line. I was getting Cortland 444 Clear Camo Intermediate which now you have two choices with the Precision line added. Anyway, you will notice fly lines are going up in price.
On line the Precision is around $55. but I had $50 in Sportsmen's bucks so I wanted to use them up.
They had the line with the price tag above it on the peg at $62. Okay, like I said, lines are going up, but right on the box on the bottom it said $60.
I had to tell the checker, I would not pay the $2. more when it is obvious the manufacturer wanted $60. They finally gave it to me for that price. To top it off, too bad I needed 5wt instead of 4wt cause the bottom of the 4wt box said $55.

Be sure and check prices, I love SW, but you snooze you will looze.
.... Im with you there sis.. I always double check prices.. even on packages of the same product.. several times I have save a little bit here and there just by doing that.. as far as on line goes.. I do a lot of checking between sites to see has it at the lowest price.. ..

MacFly [cool]
I love it.[Smile]
When I go to the stores, Yellow and Red tags just turn me on. I will notice closeout prices on some particular item, buy all 50 of them that remain in the store, sell off 40 of them, lose 5 of them and wish I had bought more.[crazy]
[signature] ... ya got anything good for sale bro ???? [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
I'm getting ready to do an inventory since they just sent me a box load of stuff to test from Okuma.

There are a couple of the Okuma Sierra Classic fly reals that need some testing. We have to get together soon.[cool]
Awe just send them on up, I'll give them a work out.....I will even return them[Wink]
..will those reels work on the "borrowed" avena rod...[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
It is OK for the Aventa but I prefer the float reel or Large center arbor fly reel on the Aventa.
I wouldn't expect you to return the exact one that I sent up. I'm such a blonde that if you sent back a Van Staal, I wouldn't even know the difference........... (yeah right)[cool]
..Id love to see those rigs the next time we meet up.. you know me.. always looking for something different.. ya know as they say.. variety is the spice of life.. [Wink]

MacFly [cool]
I love variety. It make life more interesting and also turns each fishing trip into it own private adventure.[cool]

Not the same place, not the same thing[Smile]
..Im learning.. slowly.. but learning.. lol

MacFly [cool]