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I have this posted on the michigan board but I thought i'de share it with you guys and gals .

[size 1]I know this sounds more like it is all about hunting but I belive it should include fishing as a guarinteed right as well .

I googled "states with hunting rights " , what I found was a whole world of stuff going on and related to the right to hunt and shoot guns .
There are 12 states that have the right to hunt . Michigan is not one of them , our hunting is reguarded as a state commercial enterprise . This explains why the Mi.D.N.R. opposes any "RIGHT TO HUNT " legeslation .

MOST native americans have the right to hunt IF they belong to a recognised tribe . So not all native americans have the right , just those with a treaty .
My problem with that is the treaty dosen't change your heratige , they should all have the same rights . Next thing is , how many generations dose it take for a person to become a native of a country ? I have never concidered myself anything other than an american , I should enjoy the same rights and privlages .

Some right to hunt states are leasing out state/federal land to private groups . right to hunt lands are being sold with the "right" being transfered or kept by the seller , much like mineral rights . The problem with that is groups like P.E.T.A. are taking advantage of the law(s) buying or leasing the property and keeping the right and reselling the land to buy more land . Nobody hunts then .

If a state has the right to hunt law , residents and non residents pay the same license fee is being debated . other twists on this debate are military personell , they belong to the government and should be exempt from out of state status or hunt free of charge . Then there is the minimum age thing , federal law prohibits descrimination on age .

Personally , I WANT the RIGHT to HUNT , FISH and shoot firearms guarinteed in our state constitution , but I also want to make shure P.E.T.A. and other anti hunting groups can't abuse the law to undermine our rights .

One more thing , most of the articals were written in 1995, this pisses me off bigtime ! Why did we as hunters let this slip out of our fingers and get put on the back burner ? We should all get together and post this topic on other state boards , do some writting to our legislators , and just get the word out before P.E.T.A. bends us over with our britches down . [/size]
Thanks for the read. I wish to not reply(to the PETA thing) at this time due to my blood boiling to the point my eyes are bleeding.[mad][mad][pirate][pirate]
At least one State is moving forward on this [cool] .

New Jersey Senate Concurrent Resolution No. SCR61
Constitutional Amendment to preserve the right to harvest wildlife Last Action : January 28, 2008
State : New Jersey
Originating Body : Senate
Concurrent Resolution Bill Number : SCR61
Category : HUNTING
Date Introduced : 1/24/2008
Status : In Senate Committee
Sponsor's Name : Sweeney
Committee Assigned : Environment