Hey all,
Going tubing tomorrow morning with the Oceanboyz with live Sardines from Norms. The Oceanboyz are hitting up Grissom and I'm going to Cherry Beach. We will be getting bait at Norms Big Fish at around 5:30am. Maybe earlier???
Hope to see some of you guys out there!
well did ya find the honey hole?
Hey there Kiyo,
Hope you get'em tomorrow. I heard the weather might be iffy but hey it's been messed up for a week. I tried to get smelt last Wednesday 10am and all they had were sardines. Save some for me as I will try to get some around 11am for fishing Thursday dark-thirty. ha ha
Lookin forward to hear about the fish besides, shovelnose and smooth hounds! ha ha
Sorry for the late reply! Here is the fishing report for that day.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]Went to Norms this morning and it didn't open till 6am.
![[Image: banghead.gif]](http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/banghead.gif)
Kicked it with Joe Banes and Roger "Beedog" till they opened. We took their last Sardines.
Tubing at Cherry Beach was very slow.
![[Image: 19_indifferent.gif]](http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/19_indifferent.gif)
I only managed a small 10" Sand Bass and a 2' Smooth hound shark. Fished from 6:40-9:40am. It was kind of windy out there which made it a little uncomfortable. Only saw a couple of surf fishermen and Joe, Roger, Paul and I think John were at Grissom Island. I might go out on Sunday??? Joe and Roger!! It was nice to see and talk to you guys!
![[Image: bullwhip.gif]](http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/bullwhip.gif)
![[Image: dolphin.gif]](http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/dolphin.gif)

] Hey JapanRon,
Hows it going? Seems like all the Halibuts are being taken by the commercial boats from 72nd.-Grissom Island. Just have to go where they can't![laugh][laugh][laugh] Doesn't the Carnival Cruise Line Ship look huge next to the Queen Mary!! Looks like it's blocking the channel from Cherry Beach![laugh][laugh]
Is the REEF the restaurant next to Pierpoint landing??

][size 4]lets get a get-together at grissom and fish for fun... no tourney. maybe a little one...[

] i want to fish more than just alimitos before schools out....[cool][/size]
[size 4][/size]
[size 4]-chris[/size]