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Full Version: FYI - In Wyoming Names are Required
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Just reading the 08-09 Wyoming Fishing Regualtions and ran across these two interesting requirements I was unaware of... (IN BOLD)

[font "Times New Roman"]SPECIAL WINTER ICE FISHING [/font][font "Times New Roman"]PROVISION[/font]
[black][font "Courier"][black]The following method restrictions apply for waters covered by the
Special Winter Ice Fishing Provision.
• The use of more than two (2) lines is permitted only during the ice
covered period, and only when the angler is fishing through the ice,
on waters listed below as being included under the Special Winter
Ice Fishing Provision.
• No person shall use more than six (6) lines at any time to fish.
• When using more than two (2) lines, each line shall bear no more
than one (1) hook, artificial fly or lure; the angler’s name shall be
attached to each line, pole or tip-up; the angler shall be no more
than three hundred (300) yards from all lines; and, the angler shall
check his/her own lines.
The following waters are included under the Special Winter Ice
Fishing Provision:
• Alcova Reservoir in Natrona County
• Big Horn Lake in Big Horn County
• Big Sandy Reservoir in Sweetwater County
• Boysen Reservoir in Fremont County
• Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Sweetwater County
• Fontenelle Reservoir in Lincoln County
• Glendo Reservoir in Platte County
• Goldeneye Reservoir in Natrona County
• Gray Reef Reservoir in Natrona County
• Grayrocks Reservoir in Platte County
• Guernsey Reservoir in Platte County
• Keyhole Reservoir in Crook County
• Kortes Reservoir in Carbon County
• Lake DeSmet in Johnson County
• Ocean Lake in Fremont County
• Pathfinder Reservoir in Carbon and Natrona Counties
• Pilot Butte Reservoir in Fremont County
• Seminoe Reservoir in Carbon County
• Sulphur Creek Reservoir in Uinta County
• Wardell Reservoir in Big Horn County
• Woodruff Reservoir in Uinta County
Ice Fishing Shelters
Any person utilizing an enclosed ice fishing shelter on the waters of
the State shall label the shelter externally with the owners name and
address. Any person utilizing an ice fishing shelter shall remove the
shelter from the body of water before ice-out.[/black][/font]

[/black]Hopefully this will save someone some grief.....
I was under the impression that one could only use two rods and that the other four had to be tipups. Reading the rules that you posted it appears that all six could be rods. Will one of the Wyoming experts clear this up?
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Yes six rods could be used but with only one hook per line. The info that Lundman posted was out of the Wyoming Fishing Regulations for 2008-2009.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]You Utah guys that come up to Wyoming need to read these regulations for the waters that you plan on visiting. Our state does things differently than Utah and many things have changed in the new Regs this year, since the old ones for example Creel limits. I've provided a link at the bottom of the message for our 2008-2009 regulations. So please take the time to read these and find the info for waters you plan on attending and avoid fines because you thought you knew the rules or were following stuff you heard on message boards such as BFT.[/size][/#808000][/font]

[url ""]2008-2009 Wyoming Fishing Regulations[/url]
Some of the reports that were posted a while back from the Gorge said they were check by the Wyoming Fish & Game and warned about not having their names on their poles. I don't remember hearing about needing them on the tents but it sounds like it sure would be a good idea for all of use to look at these new regs. Thanks for posting this info Craig and thanks for the link Braz.