I'm trying to find the IDF&G definition of harassment of wildlife. I want to take photos of some the game that has come down lower, but need to know what they consider to be harassment of wildlife. All I can find is "hunter harassment" or "harassment by domestic dogs". I know people x-country ski and snowmobile all over eastern Idaho. Is it considered harassment if you come around a corner on a groomed trail and see a bunch of muleys on or near that trail? Is it only if they spook? Looking for some clarification on a gray term. Thanks!
There is no clear cut rule on harassment of wildlife. If you are on a groomed snowmachine trail and come around the corner and spook some deer off the trail you should not get a ticket. Most F&G officers won't write you a ticket unless you do something fairly serious like chasing deer with a snowmachine or throwing rocks at deer so you could get pictures of deer running in deep snow. If you were spooking deer or causing deer stress so you could get close up shots you could get a ticket. For most people ethics will prevent them from bothering wildlife well before the law limits their actions. Anyway that is my 2 cents. It also wouldn't hurt to call the F&G and ask them.
I'd pretty well agree with BrianID. Well said. If you "happen" along deer while out riding or skiing and they spook off, they typically won't run far this time of year. I'd say you're well within limits there. If you are causing them to flee, stop, and flee again i'd say you're getting into harrassment and should be treated as such. If your "photo taking" is simply closing the distance on the animals any they're unware or not worried, you're probably ok. But remember respect the animals this time of year...it's very hard on them just to survive they shouldn't have to worry about people pressure on them. It's just not fair. Once they decide you're too close and they turn to leave, do the same and leave yourself. That's just my opinion...i'd follow previous advice though and contact F&G and get clearance from them they'll be friendly to your question.