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Full Version: My pre-midlife crisis
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I'm going to get the color done on April 19th, I have a copy of the color reference and this picture does no justice. This is an unfinished project by an extremely talented artist but booked to the max, I waited almost two months for the first session. All that talent and the only thing I have is my daughters Disney Tinkerbell camera to show it [blush]. Hard to tell from the crappy photo but the line spells my daughters' names. I should have waited for a better photo but I'm excited.
[inline "Tattoo 003 - 400.jpg"]
Lookin good. Can't wait to see the finished product. [cool]
Whos doing it?
you should see the bass tat that yper jr. got in memory of his dad on his arm. man its awesome
Mike at Big Deluxe in SLC.
Looks good ive heard alot of good things about big deluxe ive had tats done at a few places and they all say good about big d