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2008 Spring Chinook Forecast

Oregon and Washington departments of fish and wildlife released the 2008 spring chinook forecast Dec. 11 for the Columbia and Willamette Rivers during a meeting of the Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association. Based on projections by staff biologists and the Technical Advisory Committee the report offers recreational and commercial fisherman a first look at what to expect this spring.

Salmon, Steelhead, and Shad:

For the mainstem Columbia River salmon and steelhead fishery upstream of the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line to McNary Dam effective during February 15 through June 15, 2008 "It is unlawful when fishing from vessels which are less than 30 feet in length, substantiated by Coast Guard documentation or Marine Board registration, to totally remove from the water any salmon or steelhead required to be released".

COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Buoy 10 Line upstream to I-5 Bridge

This section of the Columbia River is currently open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped spring chinook, adipose fin-clipped steelhead, and adipose fin-clipped coho with a daily bag limit of two adult salmon or steelhead (chinook greater than 24 inches and coho greater than 16 inches or steelhead greater than 20 inches) and five jacks. Effective 12:01 AM Monday February 25 this section of the Columbia River will be closed to angling for salmon and steelhead. Beginning Monday March 24 through Friday April 4 the lower Columbia River between Buoy 10 and the Hayden Island powerlines (west towers) will re-open to angling for salmon and steelhead with a daily bag limit of two adipose fin-clipped adult salmonids (chinook ≥ 24" and steelhead ≥ 20"), only one of which may be a chinook. Catch limits for jacks remain in effect as per permanent regulations. All non-adipose fin-clipped chinook salmon and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead must be released immediately unharmed.

COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, I-5 Bridge to Bonneville Dam

This section of the Columbia River is currently open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped steelhead with a daily bag limit of two fish. The retention of spring chinook is prohibited. Effective March 16 through April 30 the lower Columbia River between Hayden Island powerlines (west towers) and Bonneville Dam will be open to angling for spring chinook and steelhead except all angling for any species (including catch-and-release) is prohibited on Tuesdays during March 25 through April 29 (March 25, April 1, April 8, April 15, April 22, and April 29). The daily bag limit will be two adipose fin-clipped adult salmonids (chinook ≥ 24" and steelhead ≥ 20"), only one of which may be a chinook. Catch limits for jacks remain in effect as per permanent regulations. All non-adipose fin-clipped chinook salmon and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead must be released immediately unharmed.

COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Bonneville Dam to the Oregon/Washington Border

This section of the Columbia River is currently open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped steelhead with a daily bag limit of two fish. The retention of spring chinook is prohibited. Effective March 16 through May 10, 2008 the retention of adipose fin-clipped spring chinook is allowed from the Tower Island powerlines (located approximately 6 miles downstream of The Dalles Dam) upstream to the Oregon/Washington Border plus the Oregon and Washington banks between Bonneville Dam and Tower Island. Boat angling between Bonneville Dam and Tower Island powerlines is prohibited. The daily bag limit includes two adult adipose fin-clipped salmon or steelhead. Catch limits for jacks remain in effect as per permanent regulations. All non-adipose fin-clipped chinook salmon and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead must be released immediately unharmed.

On the lower Columbia River this past weekend salmonid angler effort and success remained low. On Saturday's (2/16) flight 49 salmonid boats and 122 Oregon salmonid bank anglers were counted.

Gorge Bank:

No report.

Gorge Boats:<br />
No report.

Troutdale Boats:<br />
No report.

Portland to Longview Bank:<br />
Weekly checking showed three adipose fin-clipped steelhead kept, plus one unclipped steelhead released for 40 bank anglers.

Portland to Longview Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed no catch reported for 14 boats (incomplete trips).

Bonneville Pool:<br />
Weekly checking showed no catch reported for one boat and one bank rod.

The Dalles Pool:<br />
Weekly checking showed one adipose fin-clipped steelhead caught for five boats; and no catch reported for two bank anglers.


BUOY 10 UPSTREAM TO WAUNA POWERLINES (including Youngs Bay and all adjacent Washington tributaries)

The Compact adopted the following rules at the December 13 Joint State Hearing for the sturgeon sport fishery below Wauna power lines (RM 40) downstream to Buoy 10, including Youngs Bay and all adjacent Washington tributaries for 2008:

* Allow the retention of white sturgeon seven days per week during Tuesday January 1, 2008 through Wednesday April 30, 2008 with a 42-inch minimum size and a 60-inch maximum size limit in effect.<br />
* Allow the retention of white sturgeon seven days per week during Saturday May 10, 2008 through Tuesday June 24, 2008 (or until catch guideline is reached) with a 45-inch minimum size and a 60-inch maximum size limit in effect.<br />
* Prohibit the retention of sturgeon seven days per week during Thursday May 1, 2008 through Friday May 9, 2008 and Wednesday June 25, 2008 through December 31, 2008. Catch and release angling is allowed during all retention closures.<br />
* Retention of green sturgeon is prohibited as per permanent regulations.<br />
* Daily and annual catch limits listed in the 2008 Oregon Sport Regulations pamphlet remain in effect.

WAUNA POWERLINES UPSTREAM TO BONNEVILLE DAM (including all adjacent Washington tributaries and the Willamette River downstream of Willamette Falls including the Multnomah Channel)

The Compact adopted the following rules at the December 13 Joint State Hearing for the sturgeon sport fishery above Wauna power lines (RM 40) upstream to Bonneville Dam, including all adjacent Washington tributaries, and the lower Willamette River (including the Multnomah Channel) upstream to Willamette Falls for 2008:

* Allow the retention of white sturgeon four days per week on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during January 1, 2008 through July 31, 2008 and October 1 through December 31, 2008.<br />
* Prohibit the retention of sturgeon three days per week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during January 1-July 31, 2008 and October 1 through December 31, 2008 and seven days per week during August 1 through September 30, 2008.<br />
* Retention of green sturgeon is prohibited as per permanent regulations.<br />
* Daily and annual catch limits listed in the 2008 Oregon Sport Regulations pamphlet remain in effect.


Effective January 1, 2008 this section of the Columbia River is open to the retention of sturgeon seven days per week until the catch guideline is reached with a daily bag limit of one fish between 42 and 60 inches in length and an annual limit of five fish. The annual catch guideline for the Bonneville pool is 700 fish.


Effective January 1, 2008 this section of the Columbia River is open to the retention of sturgeon seven days per week until the catch guideline is reached with a daily bag limit of one fish between 48 and 60 inches in length and an annual limit of five fish. The annual catch guideline for The Dalles pool is 100 fish.


Effective January 1, 2008 this section of the Columbia River is open to the retention of sturgeon seven days per week until the catch guideline is reached with a daily bag limit of one fish between 48 and 60 inches in length and an annual limit of five fish. The annual catch guideline for the John Day pool is 165 fish.

Sturgeon catch rates on the lower Columbia River should improve as water temperatures gradually increase.

Gorge Bank:<br />
Weekend checking showed no catch reported for six bank rods.

Gorge Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed one sublegal sturgeon released for five boats (complete trips).

Troutdale Boats:<br />
No report.

Portland to Longview Bank:<br />
No report.

Portland to Kalama Boats:<br />
Weekend checking showed two legal white sturgeon kept, plus 53 sublegal sturgeon released for 47 boats (incomplete trips).

Bonneville Pool:<br />
Weekly checking showed one legal white sturgeon kept, plus 11 sublegal sturgeon released for five boats; and thirteen sublegal sturgeon released for 49 bank anglers.

The Dalles Pool:<br />
Weekly checking showed four legal white sturgeon caught, plus 13 sublegal sturgeon released for five boats; and one oversize sturgeon released for 21 bank anglers.


Bonneville Pool:<br />
Weekly checking showed two walleye kept for nine boats.

The Dalles Pool:<br />
Weekly checking showed nine walleye kept, plus one walleye released for four boats; and three walleye kept for nine bank anglers.

Troutdale:<br />
No report.