I finally get the week-end off and was going to take my 2 young boys fishing we thought we would hit Yuba for some perch. We will be going on the west side at the State park boat ramp. I was wondering if any one would mind sharing some suggestions one where and what to use to catch perch seems we have never perched fished before. I was going to take the snowmobiles since I hate to walk and drag my gear. Was hoping to make it the perch-a-thon last week-end but ended up working the week-end[pirate]. Thanks.
Read the Yuba perchathon report. Quite a few people posted what they used. It is really a matter of finding active fish though. Thye will hit almost anything if you find the right school.[

Don't be put off by the reports of only fair fishing. We were mostly fishing in a crowd with 4-wheelers, snowmobiles and power augers buzzing almost constantly. There were times the finder would have a solid 5' of fish showing so thick it would change the bottom depth number. I could lift my offering above them and watch as fish came up to it, but not hit.
You will probably do better without the crowd, but last week we were there for the crowd, not the fish.
We fished Yuba last Monday. We drilled all over and never found many fish?? The only thing that might explain the lack of fish is the number of people on the lake Saturday. There was a large crowd there Monday too. We have always found fish this winter, weird that we couldnt find them Monday. Good luck. (We have caught them with perch meat mostly right on the bottom.)
You should not neeed your machine if you are going to the west side at the ramp as it is a short walk - about 100 yds off the ramp in 40-55 ft is where we have been catching them. Plain ol jigs tipped with a piece of night crawler or a piece or perch meat will catch them. There are lots of different rigs people use for them if you do a search. I usually put my jig about a foot under a silver castmaster. I have been trying a dropshot rig with a gulp or powerbait minnow and have caught some - I also use a bigger jig/hook than you would normally use for a panfish just to keep the little ones off of it. I don't think the tackle is as important as being there at the right time now. Seems like they are not as active as they were either because we had to move our jig to get a bite the last 2 times.
Crowds and a lot of noise will turn those perchies off!! We experienced the same thing last weekend there was a lot of traffic passing close to us .The screen would go black but no biters they were spooked.The state park side might be better plus you dont have to walk out that far to hit 50 feet.I probably will go there with my son tomorow morning.Good luck!!
![[Image: fish-on.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/fish-on.gif)
Thanks every one for your advice. Ill give a report when we get back.