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Full Version: Bear Lake report
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Short and bitter:
Fished east and west sides, 22' to 90', all day, 15 different rigs, 2 bites, no fish. Ice is 8" to 12" everywhere except vents and bubblers. No slush at all and 1" to 4" of snow.[Wink]
Short, sweet, bitter and to the point!!! Brings up another thought, I have never seen a skunk in the winter[sly]. Then again I dont get out much (ice fish) in the winter!!![cool]
Bummer, Thanks for the report anyway. I'll be heading over tomorrow to pay more dues to the big blue one. Did you bring your wheeler on the ice ? [Image: fish-on.gif][Image: fish-on.gif]
Geeze. Sounds like a rough day. [crazy]

Oh well... there is always the Weber! [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Thanks for your report there Brody.

Over the years I have seen Bear Lake mack fishing slow quite a bit. Makes me wonder if it will get better or worse in the future. Wow ... 15 different rigups and no macks. Thanks for the effort and the report.
Thanks for the info Brody, sorry the fishing was so slow. Heck it could be worse, you could be working on a house every single day of your life![Wink]
No, but you'll be fine.[Wink]
[Sad] Skunked again myself again today for the third time. It is not the first time for me three times in a row at that hole. Just got to keep trying and waiting for them to wake up again. There was only myself and two other people on the west side today. Snowed most of the day, three inches of new snow by the time I left.
If lunkerhunter2 is getting skunked what does that mean for the rest of us average fishermen?[Sad]
My fishin' bud has been on the Blue pond seven times this winter with not one mac. Pretty tough fishing.

Notice we haven't heard from the heavyweights on this lake. What happened to BLM?
BLM is around, but he prefers the "evil? sister" site to BFT.... [url ""][/url]