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Just got back from DC today. The ice is still a good 8" - 10" thick but there is a good 3" - 4" of slush. I went at a bad time (1:30 - 3:30), but have a busy couple of weeks ahead so figured I would get out one last time before it's over.

I missed a number of strikes but they were all extremely light. I only saw to groups catch anything and the fish I saw were small planters. I fished on the north side of the island, maybe 100 yards from shore. The water wasn't more than 12' deep and all the strikes I did have came right on the bottom.

I am ready for open water!
Thanks for posting your report, too bad the catching wasn't better. Did you have any problems getting on the ice? With this warm weather I wonder if the ice will be good this coming weekend. WH2
Hey you got to go out one last time because with this warm weather we are having its going to be hard to get on the ice . Fishing should get better in after ice off. I cant wait to take my boat out !!
I had no problems getting on the ice at all. Although, you could see a huge crack with water pumping through it as you stepped onto the ice but it never gave way.

I had to get one more trip in before taking the bar exam which started today, but after it is all over, I will be looking forward to the thaw and the walleye season. Right now, though, my mind is mush, and I feel mentally hammered [pirate]. After tomorrow's exam, it will be even worse. Then it is R&R for a few days and then back to work!
Good luck on your bar exam Jeff. Hey, are you going to give your fellow BFT members a discount when you as a full fledged lawyer[Wink]?

I finished taking it yesterday and my eyes look like I've been drinking all week. However, I tried to sleep in today but couldn't and now I'm feeling stir crazy with so much time on my hands.