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My son and I went to Causey on 2/23. The lake is frozen solid right to the edges. We saw only three other groups on the lake. We were fishing by the dam in about 18 feet of water. Fishing was OK. We brought 6 home and cought a lot of dinks that we through back. There was about 4 inches of snow on the ice. Then a layer of slush under it then another layer of ice then more slush etc. The ice and slush was 30 inches deep. More slush than ice. We saw for moose by the lake.
Thanks for posting your report FFF, we haven't read many reports from Causey lately, sounds like you and your son did good. Did you see any of the other groups catching any kokes? Were any of the fish you caught tiger trout? WH2
I did not see anybody catch Kokes. We brought home one cut, one tiger and four splakes. I don't rember what all of the ones we threw back were.