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I have an older flasher (Si-Tex FL3) with a puck style transducer. I am looking for any advice on methods that can be used to keep the transducer pointing straight down in the hole. I am sure that there are a lot of clever fisherman out there that have a solution. Help.
I have one that I've attached to a small piece of PVC pipe. I get to the lake put it together in the shape of a "T" and stick it down the hole.
[cool][#0000ff]I assume by "the hole" you are referring to ice fishing applications.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We have had numerous posts over the years with pics of various transducer setups. I am attaching three pics that show mounting with the "skimmer" transducer. For the puck transducer you will have to attach it to either a piece of wood or a "T" connector at the end of a PVC shaft.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can help keep it vertical by use of either a piece of foam to float it...and/or making a T at the top to rest over the hole and pack snow around it once you have it properly set.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck.[/#0000ff]
Another way to keep your PVC tee from floating to the top is to glue a female connector to the bottom of your setup then thread a short piece of rigid conduit onto the bottom. The added weight from the rigid pipe will keep the whole thing pointing straight down. I've used this setup on the ice in years past and it seems to work pretty well.