Do u guys use super glue to glue the soft bodies to the jig? One guy PM me says to use that glue to keep the little thiefs from getting it too easy. Around where I do tubing this pass summer, I tried those Mini Mites and only had one in yellow with a red jig, fishing was so hot then stopped when one of the gills stole the soft body off it. I tried the others in other color not one bite. I wasn't asking how do they keep it "locked" on good but was asking what other color was hot that day.
That idea is new to me.....
[cool][#0000ff]There are several places you can buy special "fishing glue". It is a high powered super glue that works on soft plastics. You can use it to fasten plastics to your hooks, repair damaged plastics or even to make "hybrid" lures by cutting two different plastics apart and glueing one top to another bottom...etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is pricey about $10 for a little 1/2 oz. bottle...but it can save a lot in lost plastics. [url ""]LINK TO PRODUCT[/url][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Berkeley has a new product on the market. It is only 5 grams for $5.99 in a handy small pencil form. [url ""]LINK TO BARLOWS[/url][/#0000ff]
Wouldn't Super Glue melt plastic? I know you put it on HAIR flies and it smokes!
[cool][#0000ff]Just because it acts one way...with one material...does not mean it will act that way with everything. Lots of people use the cyanoacrilate glues (super glues) on different kinds of plastics with no problems.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The stuff they sell for the soft plastics is a special formulation, that works well on the plastic worms and grubs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, you won't catch me puttin' it on MY hair flies. I'm a non smoker.[/#0000ff]
I have put super glue on PLASTIC, but are the artificials more RUBBER. I have never tried superglue on rubbers (watch yourself on this site!)
[cool][#0000ff]In times past, some of the earlier artificial worms were made of a rubberlike material. Today, most soft plastics are poured from "plastisol", a liquid that hardens after being heated and after other ingredients are added.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The solvents in these plastics are especially aggressive in dissolving certain other styrenes...the hard plastic fly and lure boxes...and many finishes on hardbaits. However, polyethylene plastic boxes are resistant to them and are termed "wormproof". Most plastic bags are also not affected by the solvents in plastic baits.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]See...ya just about gotta be a chemist to go fishing these days. Art or science? Who cares? Let's just go fishin'.[/#0000ff]
I did get a little stillwater fishing in Yesterday and today. Willow pond. Hammered them yesterday on a Type II sinking line with a Boobie fly of sorts. Today I hammered them on a Black and White Chironomid 5' down on a floating line and indicator.
Now a nice picture of a 14" Albino (red eyes a shining) next to a honey colored Lamiglass rod with a Harley Davidson reel, would have made a killer picture....BUT SOMEONE FORGOT THEIR CAMERA .....DANGIT!
[cool][#0000ff]You're gonna have to smack SOMEONE upside the haid for not shootin' pics.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Any size on the albinos? They put some bigguns in there a couple of years ago...but they were kinda ugly with no fins or tail.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That's a great place to flex the rod and work on the presentations when there is ice everywhere else. You can squint your eyes and make pretend you are on a high mountain lake somewhere. Of course the sound of the traffic going by on 215 kinda takes the edge off too.[/#0000ff]
[signature] to elaborate on who that someone was.. or will that just get me into big time trouble??? [sly]
MacFly [cool]
Better yet, take a 4wt glass rod and it feels like you are catching monsters! I was at the inlet and you could see school was in session. Mostly 12" to 14" but one rainbow had some girth to it!
Let's just say I was by myself[laugh]
...what you didnt take Baxster with you???? [

![[Image: fish-on.gif]](
Nope, wanted to fish not BAXTER sit. Few dogs running around there, I didn't want to hassle with him, besides he loves Grandpa and he keeps Grandpa out of trouble [laugh]
...I was juz trying to give you an out for forgetting your camera.. [

MacFly [cool]
I am one of the users of soft bait glue too. Where I fish, there are many toothy critters and can destroy a 1 to 5 dollar soft bait in one bite. That gets expensive after a few of those getting chewed up.
One of the brands that I use the most (non sponsored) is Pros Soft Bait Glue. Crunch those 4 words together and ad the dot com after it and it will take you directly to thier site.
They have a 1 1/2 oz bottle of glue in a kit with a 2oz Accelerator for $21 and change. The accelerator helps to set the glue faster.
If you use Big Hammers, Fish Traps, Zooms, Bass Assassins, Culprits,Kalins, Storms, Mister Twisters or what have you, this glue works good on all of them. You can even repair your Mega Baits and Castaic lures with them.[cool]
You don't always need a camera if you have beer. How many beer cans long was the fish???[cool]
will that also help keep super strechies in place.. thanks for the info on the bass assassins.. now I just have to find the glue.. lol...
MacFly [cool]
Yes it will work on the Super Stretchys.
They just sent me a huge box full of newer colors. Rockfish season just opened and the Halibut are on the chew up here. I hope I have enough Super Stretchys for the season.[shocked]
![[Image: fish-on.gif]](
..oh I am sure if needed you can probably "convince" them to send you more.. [

MacFly [cool]
This box weighed close to 30lbs and had close to 200 packs in it.[cool] It may not be enough[shocked]