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Full Version: Currant Creek Today
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Went to Currant Creek Res. today. The road was not plowed since the last snow storm, about 5" of snow on the road. Some one had been on the road though so it wasn't to bad driving on it. About half way up there was a moose laying on the side of the road. As we aproach it ran down the road. The sides of the road had to much snow built up from plowing for the moose to go off the road. It ran in front of us for about 5 miles up to the road that leads down to the bottom of the dam. It took us 45 minutes to go that 5 miles because we had to stop every so often to give the moose a rest.

The res. didn't look any one had been there for a while. We walked about 500 yards north of the dam to fish. Snowshoes were very helpful. There was 15 inches of snow and frozen slush on top of 16" ice ice. The auger drilled down to the handles.

Three of us caught 11 fish, 10 to 14" range. Lots of very light bites, hard to snag them. Tried the the whole tackle box. Caught the most on white foxy jigs tipped with meal worm. Kinda slow but it was a great day fishing, lots of sun, no wind, temp. up to 45 degrees.
That does not look like 15 feet of snow[Wink]. Nice fish.
Brain freeze or typo, how about 15 inches of snow! [Wink]
Thanks TD for the edit!
hey it's a fishing site!!! exagerations are not only ok they are encouraged![Wink][laugh][laugh][laugh]
[cool][#0000ff]We call that the "anglers' metric system".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here is a fisherman's ruler.[/#0000ff]
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