03-01-2008, 01:32 PM
Got to the marina about 7:30 a.m. Walked out about 200 yards straight out from ramp, by the tin ice shack. Drilled 3 holes with hand auger. That was a workout. I was fishing in 66 ft. of water. Iced about 13 cutts, all but 1 were in slot. Took home the 23 in. cutt. Most fish were suspened about 17-35 ft. Caught only a few on the bottom. Got a lot of bites and hooked quite a few that got off. Had one that snapped my line. I was using crawfish colored ice-cutters with green jig-head tipped with mealworm or chub meat Fishing with two poles sure keeps you busy. Especially when both poles are getting hits. Hardly anyone out that day. No slush. Seen four wheelers going all the way to Haw's point. They were not having any problems. A good day.