Heya folks! Been cruising the shallows around here and liked what I saw. I live in Orem and love to fish/hunt/shoot/etc. Looking to get into some bowfishing this year and excited at the prospect of getting to meet some folks on here. Work keeps me pretty busy, but I get out any chance I get.
Anywho, just wanted to say hi and make my presence known.[

Welcome to the board Narient!!! This is a great site with some good knowledgable folks on here that can answer pretty much any of your questions. Hope to see some posts' from you in the future. Again, welcome to BFT!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Welcome aboard. We have much fun here. Some of us other carpaholics speak fluent bowfishing. Always enjoy doing my small part to reduce the buglemouth biomass.[/#0000ff]
Welcome this is a great place with some great people
welcome, It's a great site with lots of good info and good people.
[left]man that carp never stood a chance.[/left]
Is that PVC I see on your bow? You are truly the Prince of Poly Vinyl Chloride!!!! [sly]
[cool][#0000ff]Yup. What else? Works good too.[/#0000ff]
I'm one of the few females around here, but still "one of the guys" LOL
Okay, My inlaws up in logan live on a farm with a beautifully muddy creek full of carp that like the shallows. I found an old compound bow at their house and need to know how to make a good arrow (if it's best to modify, PVC?) or where to buy some with the real to attach. I've got plenty of old spinning reels kicking around if thats all I need. Anyways, if you've got the time maybe make a short checklist for us that want to learn more.
[cool][#0000ff]If the carp stay in the shallows you do not need any special fishing arrows. Just gather up some old field tips that have seen better days and shoot the heck out of them. Be prepared to get some exercise chasing them around though. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If there is deeper water they can escape to, then you might want to get a solid fiberglass "fishing arrow" with a barbed tip. This will allow you to stay connected to the fish until you can bring them in, reverse the barbs and remove the fish from the arrow.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you go to the archery section of Sportsmans, they have several different arrows and reel options. [url "http://www.amsbowfishing.com/"]HERE IS A LINK[/url] to one popular setup. The good news is that you can use almost anything to keep the line wrapped on, as long as it will feed the line off quickly when you shoot. It can ruin your whole day to have the line catch and the arrow to come rocketing back at you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url "http://www.sullysbowfishing.com/"]HERE'S ANOTHER LINK[/url] to a website with a good photo album and lots of different equipment.[/#0000ff]
Thanks. Looks like fun.
Don't waste your time with old arrows. Al's carrys fiberglass arrows at different times of the year, and you can buy them any time at cabelas. Aroud 10 bucks and worth every penny. Reg. arrows hit the water and come out looking like you bent them over your knee. I have hit rocks, stumps, ect.. with a fiberglass and never a problem. Trust me I tried the old arrows (I'm cheap) also when they jump out of the water and thrash around it bends the arrows.
I live in Cache Valley, and Bow fishing the marshes up here is by far my favorite thing to do outdoors. But I'm kind of a redneck!
Good Luck
Welcome to the BFT ! Looking forward to your fishing reports .[

Women make better fishing partners anyways. A plus is that you can confide in them and they won't laugh in your face upon noticing that guys can have thoughts, feelings, and emotions. [

I can only think of the Benson marina area other than my inlaws. Is that a good spot? Do you go out in a canoe or just from the shore?
whats all this talk about thoughts feelings and emotions? Is this a fishing forum or Oprah? [

Just kidding, my 10 year old daughter is one of my best fishing companions, and she is not afraid to hook her own worm! She has even evolved to the point where she does her own casting and doesnt tangle it every time- its awesome!
BTW- Narient, welcome, and I loved your avatar, I had to take a second look, kind of scary!
I might as well say hello as well. I didn't properly introduce myself and just started posting reports, haha.
So hello everyone.

Hopefully my family and I get out to some good open water spots this year. We never have a lot of luck in the open water since we fish from the shore (no boat, ugh). Those of you that fished before without boats, any good spots to fish from the shore?
[cool][#0000ff]Be patient and persistent. You are among fiends/friends. A lot of us fish from shore on occasion and even when we fish from boats or float tubes, most of the best fishing is within casting distance of shore.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Watch the reports on different waters and pop in whenever you think you might be able to hit one of the ponds. We can advise as to where the best potential for "bank tanglin'" might be at the time, and how to go about it. Things change a lot on most lakes through the season, so you need to keep current.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let us know what your favorite fishin' holes are and what kind of fish you like best. We will try to make sure you guys get some action. Might even work up some "group therapy" sessions with a few other BFTers joining in for immoral support. [/#0000ff]